Family Meeting- Part One

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"This girl..." you clench your jaw and grunt, as you make your way up. You walk up to the floor where the library is situated and stop in front of the hallway leading to Jonathan's room. You raise an eyebrow and tiptoe to his room. The door was slightly ajar. Faint and muffled sounds could be heard coming from inside, which meant that the girls were in there with him. You try to peek through the small opening.

Cassandra was sat on Jonathan's lap, just the way you found her. She was smiling at him and brushing his hair. Her smile was more of a saddened one than a one of happiness. Daniela's back was to you. She stood right next to them, next to the large window. From what you could make out, one hand was on her hip and the other massaged her temples. Bela stood in front of the two so-called lovers, and was looking out of the window, her hands on her hips. You couldn't take your eyes off of the couple. Cassandra's actions make you want to dry heave. You frown and walk away from the room.

When you reach Alcina's room, you open the doors to see the vanity table smashed to pieces. The mirror was shattered and the glass bits were everywhere. You part your lips and carefully walk to the bathroom.

"Alcina?" you nervously call out. You open the bathroom door "Honey?"

Alcina was almost submerged in her pool of a bathtub, with what looked liked blood, her eyes closed

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Alcina was almost submerged in her pool of a bathtub, with what looked liked blood, her eyes closed. You walk over to her, your mouth agape.

"Sweetheart?" you call out, softly. She lets out a breath of air, letting you know that she has acknowledged your presence. 

"Is that-"

"Join me, princess." she interrupts you. You hesitate for a bit but you get out of your clothes and walk over to the stairs that lead into the pool.

"Um..." you dip your feet in and walk down. As your waist and breasts get submerged in the warm blood, Alcina reaches her hand out to you. You take it and she pulls you to her. You throw your hands over her shoulders and look at her serene face. She exhales and opens her eyes to look at you. She doesn't smile or react. She holds your hips with one hand and tucks a strand of your hair behind your earlobe, with the other hand. 

"What am I going to do about my kid, baby?" she asks, her face still expressionless.

"I don't know, honey. That man is-"

Two knocks fall on the already open bathroom door and in comes Olivia. She widens her eyes at the sight of you and Alcina in a pool full of blood.

"Yes, Olivia?" you break the silence, making her blink.

"S-Sorry, Madam. Lunch is ready." she manages to say.

"We'll be there. Inform the daughters."

"Yes, Madam." she says and runs out. Alcina rubs her temples and you run your fingers over her chest. 

"I'm not hungry, my darling. But you need to eat. Please, continue without me." she whispers.

"I'm not going anywhere without you." you whisper and kiss her chest.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now