Amour propre

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You want nothing more than to kiss the lady. She leans in slowly, indicating that she is unsure of her action. Your lips are slightly parted, still in contact with hers and as much as you wanted to initiate the kiss, you dissect her every move. Her eyes leave yours and travel down to your lips. Her hands move up to your hips, raising your slip. 

A loud couple of knocks stills her. With a pout, she pulls away from you. You let out a few frustrated huffs as irritation begins to build from within you.

"Yes?" the lady's voice was almost a growl.

Andrea walks in and her eyes widen as she sees you hanging like a piece of meat. 

"Oh, what is it now?!" the lady's voice is laced with annoyance.

"My lady, I await further instructions." Andrea's eyes leave you and look at her mistress. She shows no sign of fear.


"The girls, mistress. They are yet to receive a judgement for their actions." her voice and tone remain undeterred. 'She must be serving the lady for a long time for her to remain this calm.' you think to yourself.

"I will look into it." the lady readjusts her posture and goes back to her vanity for her cigarette. 

"Let this girl down." she commands. Andrea jogs to one corner of the room and rotates a lever. You slowly start to descend and exhale a sigh of relief as you feel your feet touch the ground. The heavy chains drop to the floor, taking you down with them. Your hands feel numb and sore. Andrea rushes to you and removes the chains to free your wrists. You immediately start to massage them as you get up. They look red and inflamed.

'I mean, what do you expect?'

"Go about your work, Andrea." the lady's back was to you. She smoked while looking out the icy window. 

Andrea bowed, gave you a glare and rushed out of the room.

Your eyes followed her until the door closed behind her. 

'Everyone is always glaring at me.' you furrow your eyebrows in exasperation. You turn to look at the lady but she continued to stare into the abyss. You twiddle your thumbs, waiting for the lady to excuse you. She took a long and deep breath and slowly let it out.

"You may take the rest of the day off. I suspect you're tired and unable to work ." the lady said in a cold but soft tone of voice, refusing to turn around and look at you. Her shoulders look a little tense. Her free hand hugged her other arm, as she continued to smoke.

"Thank you, ma'am." you take a few steps back but you stop. The lady notices this.

"If you don't mind my asking, what is going to happen to the two girls?" your voice trembles a little. You are in no condition to take on another "punishment". The lady takes another deep breath and lets it out, quietly.

"That doesn't concern you, does it? You have explained your innocence." the lady's voice was still soft. You wanted her to turn back and look at you. Your heart longed to peer into those yellow eyes, once more. You know she wants it too. Your heart started to nag you. You wanted to egg her on, hoping to get the reaction you want.

"And you believe me?" your voice was full of longing, much to your surprise. You notice that the lady's breathing pattern has changed. You are so sure she wants to turn back and look at you but her adamant ego isn't letting her. 

"You may leave now." her voice switched back to the familiar cold tone. You let out a defeated sigh and turn back and walk to the door. As you open it to leave, you look back at her one more time. After a couple of seconds, she turns her head to her right with lowered eyes. You smile satisfied with what little you received. You walk out of the room and close the door behind you.

You lean against the door for a minute. You needed your mind to settle down and take in what just happened. You can't seem to think of anything but those eyes and those lips. You close your eyes and grin. She has to be the most beautiful thing you've ever laid your eyes on.

You come to your senses and open your eyes. You have familiarized the way to the kitchen from this part of the castle. You just can't stop thinking of her. You heart flutters and your right hand caresses your chest to calm yourself. You take your time to walk down to the kitchen. 

As you enter, you eyes automatically look for Margaretta, Emilia and, of course, Diana. Andrea is nowhere to be seen but it doesn't matter to you. You hated the look she gave you, always blaming you for things you never did.

'But she doesn't know that, Y/N. She believed what she saw and she saw you and the two drunk girls. This is the second time she's saved you. Be grateful.' you close your eyes and let out a huff. You open them and walk towards a waving Emilia.

Her smile is surprisingly welcoming "Hey! Someone has finally memorized her way from her room to the kitchen!" she chuckled. Margaretta turned around to look at you. The resentment she openly exhibited to you yesterday has seemingly vanished. She flashed a wide smile but it faded immediately as she looked at you, top to bottom.

"Why....aren't you in your uniform?" she asked, with concern. She saw you hesitate a bit so she took your hands in hers, which made you pull a face. She looked down at your wrists and widened her eyes in shock. She looked into your eyes and asked "But who...?".

"It's the daughters, for sure!" Emilia replied for you, her voice dripped with anger "That Bela has been eyeing you since last evening!" she said, whist walking to the cupboards to bring out the plates to serve breakfast to the Dimitrescu's. Margaretta gave you a sympathetic look to which you responded with a smile. 

As the Dimitrescu's were heard walking to the dining room and settling down, Diana and another maiden grabbed the plates and rushed out. As Diana came back in for the jugs, she took notice of you and gave you a sweet smile. You noticed a gash on her lip which reminded you of yours. 

As you look at Diana pick up the jugs and leave, your tongue starts to feel the cut on your lip, which was the result of Lady Dimitrescu's slap.

"Courtesy of Bela. She attacked Diana today morning as she was making her way from the bathroom back to her room." Emilia said to you when she noticed you looking at Diana.

"What happened to your lip?" Margaretta asked quietly. You preferred not to answer so you changed the topic.

"Where is Andrea?". Margaretta frowns.

"She's been in a bait since this morning." Emilia replied in a whisper "She was last seen dragging two young girls through the halls." she finished. 

"I assume she has given you your chores already?" Margaretta asked.

"Actually, I have no work for today." you reply. Emilia and Margaretta look at each other in confusion.

"Then you can help me today. I have to hang the linens outside to dry." Diana said, as she came close to the three of you. She continued to smile warmly at you.

"Of course!" you beamed, making Diana beam as well. She walked to stand by your side as you hear the Dimitrescu's eat their breakfast.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now