I Don't Like Surprises- Part Two

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You stare at Moreau with a stern face, trying to make out what to say. As benevolent as he seems, you can't help but sense a dreadful danger. It could just be you trying to figure out how his mutation reversed.

"I was going to get straight to the point and ask you a few questions but now I'm curious." you place your plate down on the ground and look up at him. Alcina hadn't seemed to take more than a bite of her fish, clearly astonished at the being that sat before her. You tear your attention away from her and focus on Moreau.

"How did this happen?" you bluntly ask.

"I told you, I don't know-"

"Bullshit." you continue to stare at him as his eyes start to narrow at you "Did you make some kind of deal with her?"

"No." he quickly answers, his hands remaining on his head "I confined her to the tube and her power grew through it-"

"Power?" you raise an eyebrow "How?"

"Well, you know...her dark power." he sighs. You pause for a moment and then open your mouth to speak.

"What did it look like? Was it black? Did it spread like a network?"

"Y-yes." he furrows his eyebrows as if shocked that you knew that "How did you know-"

"Did you touch it?"


"Hmm. Did you touch anything else?"

"Anything el- um..." he thinks for a moment "Uh..." he looks around for something "I may have taken this." he walks to a makeshift bookshelf and brings out an old book bound by leather. Alcina stretches her hand to him to take the book from him but you interrupt her.

"No, Alcina." you stand up and take the book from Moreau "I don't want you touching anything that belongs to her. If this book is laced with mold spores, it could affect you badly. I'm immune." you sit back down and examine it. You see the familiar foetus crest on the front, similar to the one that was engraved on the door of Miranda's room. You sigh and look up at him.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Moreau." you stand up and look at Alcina "Come on, baby."

She immediately stands up as if waiting for this moment since she arrived here. Karl picks up on the cue and stands up. 

"W-wait, don't you want to stay-" 

"I have to think, Moreau. I'm sorry. I cannot waste another moment. The longer we wait here, the stronger she gets." you turn around and follow Alcina, who was already leaving the room. Before you leave the room however, you turn around and look at him.

"One last question- I assume you have a highly mutable form like Alcina. She transforms into a dragon, as you might already know. Yes?"

Moreau thinks for a moment and looks at you "Yes, I can transform into a large fish."

"Hmm. And can you?"


"Can you? Now? Are you able to since being...like this?"

He blinks and opens his mouth "No." he says quietly. You sigh and turn around-

"Well, I haven't tried since..." his voice trails off as the three of you walk out of the room and consequently the cabin. The three of you make your way to where the horses are-

"Come back sometime!" you hear Moreau shout. You turn around and give him a smile. Once you're out of eyeshot of him, Karl catches up to you and Alcina and speaks in a whispered tone.

"What the hell was that?"

You sigh and stop walking. You turn around and look at him "The black power he mentioned is the mold. And not just any mold, mold from the Megamycete. Miranda created the Cadou, yes?"

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now