Bathtub Banter And Two Little Candies

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Alcina stands you down on the cold floor of the bathroom.

"Come here..." 

She pulls you close to her face by your chin and plants a loving kiss on your lips. She smiles against your lips and plants another quick kiss. She straightens her back and walks over to the taps to fill the tub. She kneels down and opens the taps, her fingers under the running water to measure the temperature. You look at her and bite your lip. You walk to her silently and hold her shoulders.

"What are you-" she starts but you pull her zipper down and slide her dress off her body until it falls on the floor. You waste no time. You unclip her bra and kiss her muscular back.

"Cheeky..." she coos and throws her head back. You wrap your arms around her waist and lick the entirety of her back. She turns to you and yanks you close, rubbing her nose all over your face.

"You need a good spanking..." she purrs and kisses you hard. She lets go of you and pulls her panties down, to reveal her luscious groin to you. You bite your index finger and grin. 

"What are you smirking at?" she pulls you close again and licks your finger, making you release it from your mouth. She holds your hand and engulfs your index and middle finger, seductively sucking on it while making steady eye contact with you. She takes them out of her mouth and closes her eyes as she licks your entire palm and lower arm. Suddenly, she drops your arm and looks right into your eyes.

"What a beautiful dress you have on. It would a pity if it just..." she extends her claws in a moment and rips your entire dress and slip in two, making it fall on the ground "...tore..." she finishes and smirks. 

You smirk back and hide your breasts with your hands. 

"Oh, don't you dare..." she widens her eyes and tears your arms away, exposing your breasts to her, completely. She fastens your hands behind your back with one hand and rubs your groin in circular motions. You had no way of fighting back. So, all you could do was succumb to her agonizing teasing. 

You let out a loud moan and she releases your arms.

"Don't push me, dear. Your body belongs to me. Remember that." she stands up and gets into the pool of a bathtub. Even after what had happened the past few days, she still loved being the dominant one. You decide to throw a quiet tantrum. 

She turns around to help you in but you don't give in. You smirk and sit down on the floor, your legs outstretched to her. She raises an eyebrow and lifts herself by placing her hands on the edge of the tub. She leans over and pulls your legs. You let out a loud, excited scream as she drags you into the pool with her hands, baring her perfectly aligned teeth at you. She catches your hips as you slide in. The whole ordeal makes you laugh and she kisses you all over your face, neck and chest. 

"You're ticking me!" you protest and she aggressively pulls your head to her face.

"It's only fair..." she speaks in a low, seductive voice. You brush your fingers through her hair and hold all of it behind her, with one hand. Your other hand cups her chin as you both start to make out, lustfully. 

Suddenly, you yank her head back by her hair and graze your teeth along her neck. She reaches for your grabbing hand and holds it while her other hand cups your buttocks. You place a litany of small kisses on her neck, slowly. You loose yourself into your actions, releasing your grip from her hair. She takes this opportunity to hold your head and swirl you around to the edge of the pool. 

"Stay put..." she whispers as she sits you down on the edge. She raises your legs and spreads them to reveal your groin to her. She leans in and kisses your chest, leaving a trail of kisses down to your centre. She slowly starts to lick your folds while maintaining eye contact with you. You rest one hand on the floor and raise the other. While she continues her licking, her eyes leave yours and follow your hand. You make a scissoring motion with your hand, asking her to put two fingers in you and move it the way you show her. She smirks against your groin and inserts two long fingers in you. You retract and extend your fingers continuously, asking her to do the same inside you. She obliges and starts to finger you, furiously as she ferociously licks you. 

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now