Friend And Foe- Part One

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You wander around the castle looking for the main door, map in hand. It seems to be your only guide. You take multiple lefts and then multiple rights. You stop once you realise that you are now successfully lost. 

"Humph!" you groaned. You knew that this was going to be your only chance to escape this hell hole. You scan the map once again. Parts of the paper has already started to dissolve under your palms due to the wetness of your sweaty palms. Just as you think you've found the exit, you hear giggling coming from afar. Not wanting to encounter those wretched girls one more time, you hide behind the lavish red curtains. Soon enough, their voices become more and more audible. They were so close to you now. You knew that whatever happens, you mustn't be seen. The consequences will be severe. 

The girls fly past you but you hear one of them say "Wait. Do you smell that?". The other girls sniff and giggle, hysterically. "Maiden blood!". 

'You idiot, Y/N! Your arm is still injured!'. You slowly move backwards until your back is pressed against a wonky surface. The girls start to giggle again while searching for you and you continue to push against the wonky surface when suddenly, the surface moves. You lose your balance and fall down, your head and back hitting the ground. You quickly turn around to find that you're in a room. You get up quickly and shut the door. You whip your head around to face whatever enemy might lurk in this room.

There was no sign of movement. This room was well ventilated. You saw two large windows open and ran towards it. To your surprise, you were in one of the topmost floor of the castle. You peeked down but the ground was masked by a fog. Jumping through this window would be suicide. You groan again and turn around. 

The room was well lit. A few paintings stood against the wall and to the opposite side, stood a lone piano. The room smelt like fresh paint and as you moved in the direction of the piano, you saw multiple cans of paint hidden behind one of the paintings. You now have a clear look of the paintings. In one of the paintings, a woman is sitting by a lake. Her short dark hair flowing graciously. Her hands were placed by her sides on the ground and her back was to you. It was beautifully depicted. A slight smile appears on your face thereby, replacing the frown. Your temples start to relax and you looked back at the piano.

You walked over to it and sat down. Before you, were placed tons of sheet music and a quill. You picked one up and find many notes crossed off. As you keep scrolling through, the scribbles become less and less legible and finally, the last sheet looked like someone had scratched all of the notes off in frustration. You giggled a little. You went back to the first sheet and placed it on the stand. Your hands then hesitantly moved over the keys. You feel the keys of the piano and a sense of familiarity hits you. You close your eyes and play a note. The loud sound of the key filled your ears and you opened your eyes and started to grin from ear to ear. You looked at the sheet and let your hands play with the keys. As soon as you play the crossed off notes, you pick up the quill, dip it in the ink pot and write the correct note above the cross mark. You replay the entire song until that part to see how well it matches in. 

You continue to play until your hands gets tired. You start to crack your knuckles and place your hands to your side and smile.

"Don't stop."

The voice sent a chill down your spine. You immediately recognised it. You want to get up and turn around but your body was frozen solid. You muscles are hardened and your legs begin to shake. 

"I said, don't stop."

The tone of voice changed from calm to dominating post-haste. Your hands loosen their grip from the seat and reach for the keys. You play the next few lines and hit the crossed off wrong note.

"Correct it."

The voice said, sternly. You do as commanded and pick up the quill. Your hands seem to have a mind of their own. They were shivering and you had no control over them. A note quickly comes to your mind and you slowly, but precisely, write it over the crossed note. 

"Play it back."

The tone of the voice remained the same. You play the song back until you hit the note you had jotted down. 

The voice now released a deep and guttural laugh. Another wave of chills ran down your spine. You were careful not to mess yourself. 

"Clever girl." the voice seemed to come closer to you. Your guess was spot on. Lady Dimitrescu placed her gloved hands on your shoulders.

"Oh! So tense!" She began to massage your tense shoulders and arms, which didn't seemed to do anything and she didn't seem to care. Right as she got to your elbows, you winced. She immediately stopped and bent down to reach your ear. She paused for a moment as she traced her lips over your ear. She then got on her knees with your back still facing her. She placed her chin on your shoulder and giggled. 

"Pain and fear makes blood taste good." 

Her hand now squeezed your injured elbow to open it up again. Blood started to trickle down and drip onto the seat. You didn't dare to turn your head towards her but you could feel her hungry eyes on you.

"A little sip.."

She didn't wait for your answer. Her head went down to your elbow and she mercilessly started to suck the blood out of it. Her moans grew louder and louder and when she couldn't get more blood out, she looked up at the ceiling for a second. She looked back down at you and sighed simultaneously. Her pupils were dilated and she grinned. You were now looking directly at her and you could see the thin smear of blood on her lips. 

'What the fuck is going on?!'

She began to stand and placed her palms one over the other. She readjusted her hat and smirked at you, asserting dominance. "You are to meet me in my chambers tonight, kitten. I haven't gotten enough.".

She giggled and walked out of the room. You sat there, stunned. The pain had completely vanished. You looked down at your knees to find your legs placed over each other to give you pleasure. You let out a huge sigh and stand up. A pool of sweat seemed to have been collected on the seat.

'Is it even sweat?'

You walk to the door and peep to see if Lady Dimitrescu was still around. When you realise you are alone, you exit the room and just start to walk. You don't care where your legs take you but you needed to walk.


The next two parts will contain a bit of smut. I don't want to move too quickly with it yet but it will be intense. I will think over the entire plot once and again and come back after a few hours.

Thanks for your time!


The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now