Harlots In The Castle

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Heisenberg opens the door slightly and peeks out. He turns his head right and left to look for incoming trouble. You struggle against his iron grip to free yourself but his hand tightens around your wrist. He looks back at you and glares.

"Can you shut the fuck up?"

"Let me go!"

"Shut up, you slut!" Heisenberg pushes you onto the floor. You crash near a tall vase and hold your elbow. Your elbow hit the wall hard causing your funny bone to send little sparks all over your hand. Heisenberg continues to look outside but shuts the door and looks around to where you've fallen.

"Now, look what you made me do." he complains but approaches you. To your absolute surprise, he picks you up by your arms and stands you up. He dusts the non-existent dirt from your shoulders and looks at you, confused. He leans his head back and raises an eyebrow.

"Hey, you're not one of mine."

"One of yours?"

"Never mind. You didn't see me here, okay? If you take your ass to your mistress and tattle to her, I'm going to find you and kill you. Got it?"

You furrow your eyebrows at him "I guess..." 

"Okay. Good. Nice meeting you, by the way." he lets go of your arms and walks to the door. Before he opens it, however, he turns to you slowly with one hand resting on the doorknob.

"Say, girlie. Did you see that Andrea bitch anywhere?"

"Uhm...no. She's on temporary leave."

Heisenberg puts his free hand on his chest and exhales a sigh of relief "That's the best news I've heard since that bird bitch's holiday trip. That Andrea has a big ass mouth accompanied by a big ass attitude. The whore thinks she owns the castle. Anyway, thanks and I'm sorry about the uh..." he waves his hand in the direction of your elbow. You wave back, sarcastically. Heisenberg rolls his eyes and leaves the room.

'What the fuck is Heisenberg doing here?'

'Curious kitten...' Miranda's words echo in your brain. You smirk and decide to follow the intruder. You make sure that you stay far behind him. He was tip toeing through the hallways. You had to cover your mouth with your palm to suppress the giggles which would've otherwise captured his attention.

After a few turns, you see Heisenberg stop before a door. He looks around to see if anyone was around. The lack of servants made it easy for him to get around, discretely. He opened the door and raised his hands above his head in joy. A few giggles along with the word "Heisenberg!" were heard coming out of that room. Hearing this, Heisenberg put a finger on his lips to shush them and enters the room, closing the door behind him.

'What the fuck?'

You slowly walk to the door and open it a tad bit to peek inside. You see a short hallway that turned to a left and the giggling continued to come from there. You decide to walk in carefully and slowly shut the door behind you. You tip toe near the turning and eavesdrop.

"Did anyone see you, honey?" the voice was oddly familiar.

"Nah, nah. Well, at least no one of importance. Just a scullery maid, I think. But don't worryyyyyyy...I scared her off." he laughed and a few other females laughed with him.

'Scared me off. Sure.' you roll your eyes at his fibs. You carefully peak a little to see whose company he was with. Your eyes widen when you see three maidens and one cocky Maria. One maiden was sitting on his right lap, another was standing and massaging his right shoulder, the third was hugging him from behind and Maria was seated on his left lap. They were all, in turn, accompanied by the warmth of the fireplace which sat behind Heisenberg and his chair. 

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