New Tricks

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You leave the party to make your way down to the basement and to your lair. Your equipment is still intact and in a clean state. You walk over to the microscope and pull out two vials from your pocket- one contains Evelyn's hair that Mia so graciously handed you, and the other contains a sample of Codie's blood that you took from him while he was munching on a slice of your birthday cake. You make smears on a few slides and get ready to analyse them.


You look up and see Heisenberg enter. 

"Am I intruding?" he crosses his hands behind him and smiles.

"No, of course not." you smile and get back to analysing the sample.

"Sorry for the uh...cheesy party." he clears his throat.

"Don't be daft." you smile as you continue your work "It's good for the baby and for..." you frown as you notice something similar in both the samples "and for Alcina." you finish.

"Hmm. We didn't know what to get you so Jonathan ordered this." he taps his sunglasses on a metal object. You raise your eyes and smile at what he's tapping on.

"Ah yes a centrifuge." you look through the microscope again "It's a great gift, thanks."

You walk over to a metal table similar to the one in Miranda's lab, and pick up a syringe. You tie a tourniquet around your upper arm and tighten it with your teeth. You look at a quiet Heisenberg.

"You're not going to be triggered by this, are you?" you speak through the tourniquet.

"I think you're confusing me with another family member." he says with a straight face, which makes you chuckle. You stick the syringe directly into a vein and draw some blood. Without you asking, Heisenberg readies a small vial for the blood. You remove the tourniquet and squirt the blood inside the vial. 

"What uh...what are you looking for?" he asks as he watches you make three tubes of each sample- yours, Codie's and Evelyn's. 

"Similarities." you cross your hands behind you and wait for the centrifuge to finish it's work. You take out the tubes and analyse the DNA.

"And there it is." you sigh.

"There what is?" he asks.

"When I first saw the child, he immediately took me in as his Mother." you rub your temples.

"Ooookaaayyy?" he sounded confused. You look at him and sigh.

"He carries my DNA." you watch his expression change from being confused to intrigued "Evelyn was made using Eva's DNA...and mine. Which makes me-"

"Biologically related to the kid. Shit." he rubs his temples.

"Yes." you nod and look at the tubes again "I have an affinity towards the mold. In that, my body will keep it in a dormant state as I'm a host to a very dangerous virus. But it's still in me in a mutated and dormant state. Which is why anyone with the mold in them will be strongly attracted to me because of the virus."

"So...what does that mean?" he frowns.

You blink and sigh "Haven't you ever wondered why I'm so wanted by everyone here? Why Miranda and Alcina and Donna fought and killed for me?"

"Oh um-"

"Now you know." you look down.

"So, you're saying...Alcina doesn't love you but is only attracted-"

"That was the case initially, yes." you look at him "But I know the difference between lust and love."

You watch him stare at you with a blank expression.

"She loves me. And I love her." 

He looks down and nods. You both know the doubt that's in your mind. You fear the worst but you don't have time to think about it for now. You smile at him and lead him out of your lair.

"But what about me? And Moreau?" he asks as you both walk through the basement.

"Have you ever loved a woman?" 

"N-No. I just play around..." he slowly looks at you. You give him a look and smirk. He clears his throat and looks down.

"And Moreau?" he quietly asks.

"My theory is that the mold has worked so much against him, he's been unable to process emotion and feelings. He's just always hungry to feed the mold."


"Speaking of..." you look at him "How is he?"

"He's healing. At least trying to. He's in a weakened state but he's safe in his home."

"I see."

You both walk upstairs and make your way into the hall. As you enter, you notice the girls kneel down before a giggling Codie. As Heisenberg makes his way to Jonathan to continue his chat with him, Daniela takes notice of you. 

"Hey, Y/N! Watch this." she grins and looks at Codie "Where is Codie?" she asks him.

He taps his little belly with hands and grins.

"Where's Codie's eyes?" she asks.

He closes his eyes with his palms.

"Where's Codie's ears?"

He shuts his ears with his palms, still grinning.

"Where's Codie's nose?"

He closes his nose with his palms.

"And where's Codie's mouth?" 

He covers his mouth with his palms and gives Daniela a flying kiss. The whole room claps for him making him squeal and jump with joy. You look over to Alcina and see her smiling at little Codie. You smile and look back at him.

"And how many slices of cake has Codie had while Mama was gone?" you mock him. He licks his lips and raises two fingers. He struggles a bit but finally raises three fingers, making the whole room laugh. He squeals and runs around. The girls get up and start talking to each other. 

"Hey! Come here!" you hear Alcina call Codie over in a whispered tone. 

"Who's this?" she points to his belly.

"Codieeee." he grins.

"And where are your eyes?" she made sure to whisper so as to not catch the attention of everyone in the room. You look around and watch everyone chat away with each other, not paying attention to Alcina.

He covers his eyes in response to her question.

"Where are your ears?" she whispers again.

He shuts his ears.

"Where's your nose?"

He closes his nose.

"And where's your mouth?"

He closes his mouth with his palms and then gives her a flying kiss. She giggles softly and continues to look at him.

"Mother, would you like some cake?" Cassandra walks over to the cake to cut her mother a slice.

"No, dear. Thank-"

"Modrrrrrrrr." Codie tries to imitate Cassandra and laughs.

"Who's that?!" she playfully asks Codie as she points at her mother.

"Modrrrrrrrr!" he says again and laughs.

"Can you say 'Mummy'?" you chime in and ask him. Alcina widens her eyes and looks at him.

"Mummy." he says in the sweetest tone and rests his hands and chin on her knees while looking at her with love. You notice Alcina's expression change from being surprised to happy. She takes out a hankie and gently and lovingly wipes his mouth of all the cake residue. She looks at you and gives you a small smile. You smile back.

"Cute." Heisenberg walks to you and looks at Codie.

"Hmm." you look at him "I need to see Moreau." 

He looks at you and nods "Okay. Let's go."

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now