A Songbird's Prayer- Part Two

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"Now." Bela commanded. She stopped playing but her eyes were still on the piano. Intimidated by her alluring voice, you slowly get up from your hiding place. You walk as fast as a tortoise towards the oldest. When you reach her side, she slowly turns her head towards you. Her bright yellow eyes grinned in mischief as she widened her smirk. While still seated, she turned her body to you, exposing her brassiere covered breasts. 

"Come closer, flower." she purred, sending a shiver down your spine. Hesitantly, you moved closer to her. Your breasts were eye level with her. She raised her eyebrows as her eyes zipped to your breasts, making her eyes flicker with excitement. 

"Won't you sit down?" she asked. 

'What a flirt.'

You did as asked and sat next to her. I mean, what else were you going to do? Run?

"Uh uh uh!" she exclaimed, as her arm went around your hips "On my lap." 

You roll your eyes in your mind and get up slowly and sit on her lap. She places her hands back on the seat to give you maximum surface area to get comfortable. Her thighs were pretty bony but comfortable, nonetheless. 

"Oh, so formal! Let loose, honeeyyy..." she purred, as her hands landed back on your hips. 

"Now, play for me. I hear you know your way around the piano."

"I'm not sure.."

"Not sure? Wasn't it you who played for mother that day?"

'How does she know?'

"Yes, but-"

"Then, you shall play."

You let out a mild sigh and begin to play the notes displayed on the paper in front of you. It was the exact same notes you played for the lady, the corrections and all. Your hands adjusted well to the keys and soon enough, you played the melodious tunes, flawlessly, accompanied by Bela's humming.

Her hands soon left your hips and moved to your waist. She straightened her back and hummed into your ears which created a knot in your stomach. She bit your earlobe hard and sucked on the blood that oozed from it. Surprisingly, there was no pain. She kissed your ear and worked her way down to the back of your neck. 

"We were absolutely enraptured by your talent!" she cooed.


Right then, another pair of hands landed on your shoulders.

"Care to share?" Daniela's voice was bombinating in your ear. It took you by surprise but you didn't want to react. Before you could look at her, she unzipped your dress. From either side, Bela and Daniela pulled your dress and slip down, revealing your breasts. You didn't feel violated but instead, felt a sense of pleasure. 

"My, my..." Bela said, in a low and seductive tone as the sisters kissed all over your shoulders.

"Don't stop playing.....pet. Isn't that what mother calls you?" Daniela echoed her sister's seductive tone. You tried your best to keep your eyes open to look at the notes but gave up a few seconds in. Instead, you let your hands play whatever it pleased. You gave in to the pleasure the sisters brought you, moving your head around and backwards. 

"You're quite elusive, aren't you? Ignoring me all the time." Bela complained, seductively. Her kissing hadn't stopped. Daniela made her way to sit by you and massaged your left breast as Bela did the same to your right breast. This made you hit many wrong notes.

"But I'm glad you had your little run in with us instead of escaping that evening." she finished and bit your ear again.

Daniela moved her hand down and over your panties, massaging your privates. Her actions made you moan, much to Bela's delight. She let out a raspy giggle into your ear and moved her hands down to your thighs, while leaving kisses on your neck. Daniela's hand slid into your underwear and started to rub your sensitive areas. You couldn't hold back the moans. Your hands continued to play the notes, softly. This made Bela turn your head towards her by your chin, making you look at her. She moved you down to the seat where she and her sister were seated. She met your lips with hers and gave you a lustful kiss. She made you part your mouth with her tongue and slid it in almost immediately. She moaned at your taste as Daniela picked up pace. Daniela placed her lips in your shoulders and continued her trail of kisses down to your breast. Her mouth closed on your left breast, making you moan again. Bela pulled your head closer to her and kissed you with great passion. The girls' actions increased in speed to make you moan louder. Your hands left the keys and found their way to both of their cheeks as you moaned against Bela's mouth.

"Daughters?" Alcina's voice came from outside the door. The girls immidiately straightened themselves and dressed you. You started to shiver from fear. What if Alcina catches you like this? Bela made you stand up and moved you to the door. Daniela turned you towards her "You won't tell on us, will you?" her eyes were pleading. You shook your head and she smiled. She gave you a kiss on your cheek. Bela opened another door by the piano and both of them transformed into flies and left through it, shutting the door behind them.

"Daughters?" Alcina's voice was heard again. You calm yourself, let out a breath and open the door. You walk out and catch Alcina turning around a corner. You walk slowly towards her and turn around the same corner but her pace was very fast. She seemed to be in a hurry to find her daughters. 

"My lady!" you call out but she had turned another corner again. You frown and run after her. After running after her for a few minutes, you turn into a dark hallway.


"Does the place ring a bell?" 

You whip your head around and see Miranda standing there, staring right at you. 

"This is the only place I could think of for our private rendezvous." she said, walking towards you. She slowly removed her mask to reveal her face. Even in the dark, her indicolite eyes shined bright. She threw her mask away from her and stood right in front of you.

"Tell me, how does a person not feel thankful to the one who saved their life, hm? I killed that thing to save you and in whose arms do you want to be in? My dear daughter's." she seemed very upset. 

"Miranda, I'm sorry. I just...I-I was just very..."

"Oh, my darling. Don't you cry." she wiped your tears from your cheeks and cupped your face. She placed a long and strong kiss on your forehead before touching her nose with yours.

"I'll forgive you. But you must give me something in return." she cooed. 

"What is it that I ca-"

She smashed her lips against yours. One hand went to your shoulder and the other to your neck, choking you slightly. After a minute or so, she pulled away and smirked. Suddenly, her face turned cold.

"Now." she commanded and something very hard hit your head from behind, knocking you out immediately.

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