My Heart Beats For Only You

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Your head was spinning as you woke up from what seemed like a trance. You try to move your arms but they seemed to be strapped behind you. In fit of anxiety, you try to loosen the straps but it, in turn, made it harder for you to get free. The room was isolated. The bright lights blinded you but you squint to get a proper view. A monitor was attached to your arm. The metal doors swing open and two scientists walk in, chatting with each other. The male one takes notice of you and whispers something to the female one. She nods and walks out of the room. Shortly after, a man in a wheelchair is escorted into the room by the same female scientist. She pushed the wheelchair in front of you and the old man smiles.

"Leave us." he tells the two scientists. They both nod and leave the room.

"You may call me Mr. Bradley, Y/N." he addresses you, still smiling. 

"I didn't ask your name, did I?" 

Mr. Bradley throws his head back and laughs "A smart one you are, indeed. Then again, I'm not very surprised." he smiles again. You look around and see several chairs and tables.

"How did you successfully trespass, Y/N?"


You open your eyes and sit up on your bed. Your bedroom in Donna's house seemed to remain the same. The gloomy ambience continued to this morning. You let out a sigh and dress yourself in the gown Donna made you. You open the door and walk out of your room. 

The house was silent, as usual. You walk into the dining room. Donna and Angie were already seated on their chairs, chit chatting with each other. 

"Ah, Y/N! Finally!" Angie exclaims "We thought we would have to start breakfast without you, which is very lonesome, indeed!"

"Sit, Y/N. You must be famished." Donna cuts Angie off and smiled at you. You were used to seeing her without her veil and she was more than happy to get rid of it.

"No, not really. But I could eat."

You sit down and spread butter on the two pieces of toast which were placed before you. You three sit in silence and Donna eats her breakfast as soon as you place the first slice of toast in your mouth. 

"Something the matter?" Donna asks, curiously.

"No, Donna. I'm fine."

"Really?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, really."

Donna looks down at her breakfast and sighs. You shake your head and finish yours. 

Angie collects the plates and trots out of the room. Donna stands up and so do you.


"Later, Donna." you know what she wanted to talk about but you had no mood to entertain her. Without another word, you walk out of the room, leaving Donna standing. You walk into the doll room and pick up the piece of fabric you were working on. You had been trying to sew and replicate the Dimitrescu crest on it, under Donna's expert guidance. You stretch the fibric out to see how much progress you've made. The lines were all wonky, the stitches were crisscross and the entire crest was a disaster. You let out a sigh and use your needle to remove all of the stitches to start all over again. You hover the needle over the cloth but place both of them on your lap.

"Bernadette." Donna was standing before the doorframe, looking at you. Her dark eye glistened but her face was expressionless.


"My sister's name. Bernadette."

"Oh." you didn't know what to do with that piece of information "I see."

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now