Cassandra's Slice Of The Cake

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Two loud beams of sunlight hit your eyes. You squint and open your eyes to hear the sound of hailstones hitting the glass window. You take a deep breath and exhale through your nose. Alcina seems to be sleeping soundly, snuffling on your chest. You smile and give her head a soft kiss. She licks her lips and shifts on your chest, her hands tightening around your waist. You let out a quiet chuckle and give her a few more kisses on her head and cheek. You don't want to disturb her sleep but her beauty is unavoidable. Her enchanting face and body draws you closer to her. You slide down to her face and place a soft kiss on her red lips. She slowly shifts her head and opens her eyes.

"Oh! I'm sorry, honey. I didn't mean to wake you up." you apologize and look into her half-opened eyes. She closes them and pulls you closer.

"How come you're up before me, hmm?" she mumbles. You smile and kiss her cheek.

"How can someone look so beautiful, first thing in the morning?" you question back. She opens her eyes and rubs her nose with yours, smiling widely.

"How, indeed?" she whispers and kisses you. You quickly get dragged into the kiss, allowing her to dominate your mouth. She pulls your head in and deepens the kiss into a passionate one.


You pull away and tuck her hair behind her ear.

"Baby, I better check on our guest." you whisper. She closes her eyes and pouts.

"Oh, dull! Get rid of the man-thing and come back to me." she caresses your back.

"Oh, such a needy woman you are!" 

Her eyes shoot open "Say that again and you'll be punished." she smacks your butt, making you gasp and bite your lip. Her eyes dart to your lip and she speedily leans in to free it from the grip of your teeth, with her teeth. She gives you a smacking smooch.

"How dare you do that. You know what that does to me." she licks your lips "Go get ready, now." 

You nod and run to the cupboard to take out a dress. You grab your slip and undies and run to the bathroom. You wash your face and dress yourself, lightly combing your hair. You brush your teeth and run out of the bathroom to find your broach. You unclip it from your previous dress and hook it onto your dress. Alcina's head rested on her hand, which was supported on the mattress. She was watching your every move with a smile. 

"You look beautiful." she grins.

"I'll be quick." you smile at her, while putting on a pair of stockings.

"Okay." she smiles "Gimme kiss." she beckons you with her index finger. You put on your shoes and run to her. She leans in and holds your chin. She gives you one kiss, smiles and then, gives you another kiss.

"Don't make me wait." she kisses the back of both your palms.

"I won't." you smile and run out of the room, shutting the doors behind you. 

You adjust your sleeves, as you make your way to the farthest room on the same floor as the library. You had instructed the girls to make sure the cocky, handsome man would stay put in that room.

'Oh, I hope he's in there.' 

You let out a sigh and reach his room. You knock on the door.

"Jonathan, may I come in?" you open the door and widen your eyes, in shock.

"What the fuck? Cassandra, get off his lap!" you shout and enter. Cassandra was sitting on his lap, letting Jonathan kiss her neck. Her eyes mirror your shocked expression, as she stands up and moves away from Jonathan, without question. Your shock gets replaced by anger, as you stare at the two of them.

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