Fifty Shades Of Dimitrescu

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"Donna?" you open the doors to her mansion. After a few minutes of looking around, you hear footsteps coming from the dining room.

"Y/N?" Donna says, softly, revealing herself from the darkness.

"Hi." you almost whisper.

"Is everything alright?" she approaches and removes her veil. Her expression matched her concerned tone.

"Yes. Well, not exactly." you look at her.

"What happened?" she takes your hands in hers.

"Alcina and I had a quarrel." you lie "I just needed to be someplace that's not the castle." you smile, sadly "To think."

"You're welcome anytime." she says, analyzing your face.

"Thank you." you smile and hug her. She hugs back and pulls away.

"How can I help you?"

"In no way. This is something I need to do alone. May I stay here today? I'll leave tomorrow."

"Of course. You can stay here for as long as you like. Sleep in my room. It's more comfortable."

"No, Donna. My previous room will do just fine." you smile.

"Okay. Shall I make some tea? And some cookies?"

"No, thank you. I would like to be alone. Is there a balcony?"

"Yes. I'll take you there."

Donna leads you to a secluded open balcony. She leaves for a bit and comes back with a blanket and a box full of cigarettes. 

"I'll come get you when dinner is ready."

"Thank you, Donna. Really, thank you so much."

"Not at all." she smiles and leaves you alone. You drape the blanket around you and sit on the chair. You spark a cigarette and look ahead into the gloomy loneliness. 

A few hours pass and you continue to think about everything. You come to various conclusions but scrap the majority away, putting your finger on the most logical one. You finish your fifth cigarette and stub it on the lid of the box. You take a deep breath and exhale through your mouth.

"Y/N?" Donna knocks on the balcony door.

"Hi." you smile at her.

"Dinner's ready, if you want."

"Okay." you get up. She smiles at you and takes you with her to the dining room. She moves a chair to help you sit down, which makes you smile. She fills a bowl full of soup and places a plate with bread and meat, in front of you. She takes her place at the dining table and waits for you to start. You smile and eat the delicious food.

After a while, Angie enters the room with two cups.

"Hello, precious Y/N!" she greets.

"Hello, Angie. All is well?"

"Much better, now that you're here!" she trots over, flies up and places a bowl in front of you and then does the same for Donna.

"It's custard!" she shrieks. You smile and shove a spoonful of the cold dish. It was divine. Just as divine as the main course.

"This is great, Donna!" you exclaim with raised eyebrows "You really can cook!"

"Thank you." Donna grins and eats her custard.

After dinner, Donna takes you to your room, Angie trotting behind her with a glass of water. She opens the door for you and enters first. 

"I made the bed. Can I get you anything?" Donna asks.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now