Goodnight, Mother

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You walk up to Donna's door and sigh.

'Here we go again-'

The door opens before you knock and there stands Donna, right in front of you. Her eye glistens in the faint moonlight.

"Hello, Y/N." she speaks softly.

"I need to see Chris. I'm assuming he's here-"

"Yes. Right this way." she takes you up the staircase in absolute silence. She reads the deliberate silence between the two of you and chooses wisely to stay quiet. She knocks the door to the study and opens it. Jill and Chris were deep in a conversation. Jill looks at you and smiles.

"It's time." you say. Jill nods and talks into her radio.

"Operation Crow in progress."

Chris readies his gun but you stop him.

"Meet me at the site of the Megamycete. I will draw Miranda there. I'm much less of a threat alone."

Chris and Jill look at each other and then at you.

"Y/N, she'll kill you-"

"No, she won't. She would've done it long ago if she were to." you say and sigh "Ready?"

"When you are." Chris loads his gun as Jill picks up a few of her weapons. The three of you walk downstairs with Donna following closely behind. Jill and Chris make their way to the door that leads to the basement and you walk to the front door. They give you one last nod and walk away into the darkness, shutting the door behind them. You turn around to look at Donna.

"I trust you to stay here. Don't let me down."

She slowly nods and looks down. You sigh and walk out of the house.

You know your way to her place. You remember your notes form long ago. You came here to do a job, and you're going to finish it. You walk along the lonely path as you spot a familiar figure.

"Ah, Madam Dimitrescu! Lovely to see you." The Duke grins as you near him. He sits on his familiar carriage with his fingers entwined with each other.

"Duke." you give him a nod.

"Going on a quest, I see. About time." he leans back while keeping his friendly grin on his face "I'd offer you weapons to aid you but I see you carry that which triumphs anything I can offer you." he looks down at your pocket which enclosed the dagger. You grip it and gulp. He looks back up at you and smiles.

"Good luck, Y/N. You'll need it." he grins. You know that he is a conundrum in himself, and figuring out his part in your journey would go in vain. You knew he is powerful, to know what's in your pocket, to know where you're headed. His non-threatening self makes him more mysterious. Out of all the times you've seen him, you finally notice how powerful he really is, for Miranda to not get to him.

"You're a mystery, Duke."

He throws his head back and laughs "Oh, dear Y/N. Not all things that are mysterious are deadly. Some of us come in peace."

"That remains to be seen." you mutter.

"Take that with a pinch of salt, if you must. But now something more important awaits you. It's prudent that you finish it."

You nod and start to walk away.

"You're smarter than you lead on, little scientist. Use it to your advantage!" you hear him say as you slowly move more and more away from him and towards Miranda's lair. 

You reach the entrance to a crypt you faintly recognise being led out of by Heisenberg and Jonathan. You remember her dragging you through here after snatching you away from Yvonne and Leonardo. You hear the faint growls of the lycans that surround the area, most of them peering through the trees and rocks above. You were confident that they wouldn't get to you.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now