There You Are

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You run through the forest. Your shoes have acquired slight damage due to overuse and poor maintenance and now you feel the snow beneath your right toe indicating that there is tear. You have no time to think about this. You have only one goal for now: Leave this Godforsaken land immediately. You start to slow down when you realise that you've been running for quite a while now with no sign of any progress. All you see are endless trees looming over you. You finally stop to catch your breath. You lean on the stick. You try not to think about the unfortunate events that took place not too long ago. Your eyes well up and your legs finally give way. Your knees reach the cold, snowy ground and you begin to weep. What is this place and how did I get here?

You get up slowly, still weeping. You wipe away the tears and start walking. You stop analyzing the surroundings because it isn't going to be any different any time soon. 

Suddenly, the trees start to sway. You hear rustling and before you knew it, you were slammed onto the ground. The thing above you growled wildly. You could feel its rage radiating from its body. Your eyes remained shut as you waited for death to arrive. Nothing could prepare you for what was going to happen next. The thing seemed to get off your body. The weight slowly shifted from one part of your body and then completely disappeared. Mustering all the courage you can, you slowly start to open your eyes. The creature still stared at you. It noticed you staring at it and growled in response which made you fall back onto the ground. Why isn't it hurting you? 

You turned your head to you side to see a great number of beasts surrounding you, all of them on foot. They all growled in unison. Your breath started to shorten again and you tried to search the ground for your stick but finally gave up when the alpha growled even louder. Suddenly they all stopped their snarling and your hear footsteps from behind you. Their feet crushing the snow beneath them mercilessly as they walked past your body and tuned to look down at you. It is the figure again. The one that killed the girl. You could see them clearly now. The break of dawn and the faint sunlight shown on them. They looked angel wannabe? Apart from the black robe, a gold ring framed their head. They seemed to have slicked back blonde hair peeking through the piece of black cloth covering it. Their face covered by a gold mask with a pointed beak. The wings remained in the intimidating position. 

"Who are you and what do you want with me?" Your whole body was shaking. "Bold, are we?" they replied and promptly grabbed your throat and raised you up. You are now at eye level with them. They peered into your eyes. You watched as their eyes wandered, scanning your face. When they looked back into your eyes, their eyes momentarily widened. They quickly reverted back to their expressionless face and smirked. "Filthy. But still." they finally said. They cocked their head to one side and the beasts turned around and ran into the abyss. Their hand seemed to tighten its grip around your neck making you beg for air. Their smirk widened and you finally managed to say "Stop it! Let me-" and everything around you went dark.


Your eyes started to open and you realised that you're still alive. It took a good few seconds for your eyes to adjust to the surroundings. When they decided to finally open, you see five figures staring down at you. They stood around you in a close circle making it impossible for you to get up. All you could do is lay there on your back and stare at them. To your right stood a man wearing black shades, a top hat and a trench coat. In front of you stood the figure and a being that didn't look quite human. The being was clocked too and seemed to be wearing a crown. Behind you stood another being who seemed to be wearing a dress fit for a funeral. Their face was covered by a black veil and they kept their hands crossed in front of them. And finally, to your left stood a tall woman in a long, silky white dress. Her eyes seemed to glisten and glow in the dim light. Her hat fit perfectly on her head and you could see her smirking at you while she placed her hands superbly on her waist. 

"Remember my words, Alcina. Find her something to do in the meantime." the figure addressed the tall woman. "Yes, Mother Miranda. I will not let you down." The tall woman replied. "Come girl, get up now. You are to follow her." the figure spoke again but now they were speaking to me. So, she is Mother Miranda. The figure caught you gawking at her but before she could speak, the man to your left picked you up by your collar and threw you towards the tall woman's feet with ease. "Go now before I drag you to my factory!" he shouted and proceeded to laugh like a maniac. The tall woman let out a huff and took your wrist. You stood up quickly and looked up at her. She must be at least 10 feet tall. "She is beautiful, you can't deny that! Pity you should take her, Alcina. She would've made such a wonderful playmate." The voice came from behind you and you saw a doll trotting towards you. The being in the funeral get up caught the dolls hand indicating that it was not her place to talk. Even before I could inspect the doll, I was yanked forward by the tall woman who was addressed as Alcina. 

We walked past several doors until we reached a door which had a crest engraved on it. The lady let out a relieved huff and pushed the door open. You were suddenly met with a scent so fresh, it would make anyone fall to their knees. After all this time rotting in that house, this smell was divine. It took over your nostrils and made you close your eyes. Your eyes swung open when the lady yanked you forward again. She still didn't speak a word to you, let alone look at you. You examined the hall. The entire place was huge and was decked in rich fabric with gold accents. The lady took you towards a huge flight of staircase that twisted a little. Right then, you heard a small buzz. You used your free hand to swat away the fly but it just won't stop bothering you. Suddenly, you see a huge swarm of flies above you and by your side as well. 'What the-?'. The flies started to arrange themselves and take the shape of a human girl. The flies by your side followed suit. There were three girls walking with you and the tall woman now. 

"My, my! You've really outdone yourself this time, mother!" the blonde haired girl spoke. "I could smell her blood from the dungeons!" she continued. The tall woman seemed to keep walking, slightly dragging you now. "Let me have a taste!" the girl with brunette hair interrupted. She raised what looked like a miniature sickle at you. Right then, the lady speedily turned around and glared at the brunette. "You three are not to touch her, do you understand? Should I see a single wound on her, you will suffer a consequence so great you won't think of raising those sickles again!" The lady's voice was calm but emitted a frightening amount of power. The girls quickly backed away and nodded before transforming into flies and vanished. The lady turned around again without looking at you, which made you frown. 'What the fuck just happened?' You didn't dare to speak those words out loud. After witnessing the little chat the lady had with her daughters, you presume, you just kept your mouth shut and let her lead you to God knows where.

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