Questionable Reacquaintance

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Diana seems to be opening up to you a little more. Her hand is still linked with yours. She told you several anecdotes about Emilia, Margaretta and some of the other maidens as well but whenever the topic diverts to being about her, she immediately turns quiet for a couple of seconds and changes the whole story with an "Anyway..". Why does she want to hide her past? You had almost no recollection of your past and you would do anything to remember your life as it was in the village. 

For the most part, you stared at her beauty and expressions. Her facial mobility didn't match the personality of the same Diana when you first met her. Emilia was right, she's great company. You would try to keep up with her stories but there were so many! And with adjoining twists, to boot! Nevertheless, you enjoyed her zealous company.

As you both walk and talk, Diana leads you through an entrance you don't quite recognize. You stop in your tracks and look to her and ask "Diana, where are we?"

"Oh, this is the back entrance. Nobody ever comes through here. Actually, I don't even know why I brought you here." her brows furrow but she shrugs and continues on. You follow closely behind her, your ever-so-keen eyes examining the place. This part of the castle was less illuminated so you found it hard to focus but Diana's voice was your trusted guide.

You hear the sound of wings coming from behind you. You whip your head around to see nothing but darkness.

"Oh, Y/N! This way." Diana calls to you but when you turn around, you see nothing but a long hallway. 

"Diana?" you call out. An unsettling feeling grows in your gut.

'This isn't right...'

You notice a shadow on the carpet. It was winged and it stood behind you. Beads of sweat form on your forehead and you slowly turn around to see absolutely no one. 

You let out an agitated huff and turn back around to find the beaked figure in front of you. You let out a scream and fall on the floor. Your whole body starts to tremble. You slowly start to crawl back until you hit a wall. The figure, who you recognise to be Mother Miranda, walks forward as you crawled back. Now that you have nowhere to go, you decide to scream and call for help but Mother Miranda's substantial presence before you left you absolutely speechless.

As you continue to tremble, Mother Miranda reaches out her hand towards you, urging you to take it. Reluctantly, you stretch your hand out to meet hers. As your palms come in contact, Mother Miranda's lips curl up into a smile. There was something about this smile. It wasn't scary or creepy or even uncomfortable. It was quite the contrary. Her smile radiated warmth and safety. As soon as she understands that you have calmed down a wee bit, she gently helps you up. 

"I believe we've met." she speaks in a very soft and friendly tone "Albeit, not in the most pleasant way."

The Mother Miranda who ripped the heart out of that poor girl and choked you till you lost consciousness was replaced by this unfamiliar woman.

"My name is Miranda." she says as she takes off her mask to reveal her face. The only light source in the vicinity, luminated her face. Her eyebrows were full and well defined. She wore dark eye makeup to pop her icy blue eyes. Her lips remained to have a natural tint. Her beauty was wonderous to behold. You couldn't help but stare at her, spellbound by how utterly different she looked compared to the image in your head.

'Is this the same woman who ripped out that girl's heart or am I just imagining it?'

"You're Mother Miranda." you manage to say. She raises her eyebrows as her smile greatly widens and looks down at the carpet. A bright pink blush forms on her perfectly sculpted cheeks. She looks....shy?

"Yes, the very same." she looks back up at you, her smile and blush ever so radiant "I see my reputation precedes me. But then again, I'm not surprised. It usually does." she giggles, which puts a smile on your face. You try your best to bring back the image of the Mother Miranda who choked you and killed that girl but your mind keeps telling you that you are mistaken and those images are a ruse. 

"Y/N." you say. Her palm is still gripping yours, gently. She shakes her head up and down as if recognising you.

"Yes, yes. I remember." she lets out the faintest of giggles. Her blush still remains on her cheeks. She looks mesmerized by you. She proceeds to look into your eyes and her smile slowly disappears. She seems lost in your eyes for a second but gathers herself immediately.

'Does she like me? She still hasn't let go of my hand. Not that I want her to, but..'

"Forgive me." she giggles, looking down. Still grinning, she looks up at you again "You look astonishingly beautiful."

You raise your eyebrows and start to blush. She takes note of this and looks back into your soul. You start to feel an uncontrollable urge to move closer to her to intensify the contact but she starts to get shy and giggles.

"Mother Miranda-" 

"Just Miranda, please. Those are such formal words. I don't really feel at ease when someone like you calls me that, to be honest." she giggles again.

"Someone like me?"

"Oh uh...yes. You look look wonderful." her eyes suddenly look down and her blush intensifies.

'Is she...flirting?'

"I'm just a maiden here, Miranda."

"Oh? But you're not dressed in Maiden clothing." she looks back up at you, confused.

Realisation begins to settle in. You are still wearing the clothes in which you were going to escape. You should've changed when Margaretta pointed it out to you. 

"I...uh..." you manage to say but Miranda's warm smile stops you.

"I don't care who you are or what your rank is." she leans closer to you. Her voice is a mere whisper. It didn't sound seductive but had a great deal of longing.  Her eyes were searching yours again.

When the silence started to grow louder, she giggled and placed her other palm on yours, sandwiching your palm, just the way Diana did. 

"We must take leave of this area and join the main part of the castle before Miss. Dimitrescu gives me a mouthful!" she giggled loudly and this time, you joined her.

She turned around to face the endless corridor and held your elbow for support. She gave you one last flirtatious look and walked forward, making sure that your pace would match hers. She smiled as you walked beside her. She gave you another look and when you looked ack at her, she faced the corridor again, blushing and biting her lip. You both walked the rest of the way in a comforting silence


Okay, let me explain. I know there are too many lovelies just begging for your attention, but it'll all make sense as the story unfolds. Especially, this Miranda one. 

Bear with me, honeybunches. The story gets very enticing.

Again, thank you for your precious time.

See you soon.

Kisses, Hannah.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now