A Songbird's Prayer- Part One

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You hadn't realised that you had taken a long nap that went on till dusk. You wake up to see Alcina sitting on her vanity, jotting down something in a book. She looks very well invested in it. You sit up and stare at her back. Her long torso was bent over the vanity table. You clear your throat to get her attention. She looked up from her book and straight at you through the mirror, a big smile spread across her cherry red lips. You smile back at her in response. She gets up and walks towards you.

"How was your slumber?" she asks, while walking to you.

"Much needed." you respond, still staring at the magnificence that this woman is. She bent over to you to look at you clearly. She placed both her hands on the mattress to steady herself. 

"You missed dinner. But, no matter. Up we get, come on. I need a bath and you are to help me." she smirked and straightened herself again. Without waiting for you, she walks over to the other end of the room and placed her hands against a wall. The wall seemed to open into another room. Curious, you walk over to the wall, through which Alcina had already passed through. 

You found yourself in a large and dimly lit bathroom. The size matched that of the lady's chambers. You look around to find gold and red accents garnishing the walls and the drapes. Alcina was already getting undressed, struggling with her zipper. She turns around to look at you.

"Be a good girl.." and knelt. You walk over to her and unzip her dress. She got up and dropped the dress onto the floor. Her body was her piece de resistance. Her undergarments were all black and lacy. Turning around to face the pool of a bathtub, she unclipped her bra and got out of her underwear. She walked over to the bubble filled bathtub and submerged herself completely. After a few seconds, she raised her head and turned around to look at you. She smiled again.

"Close your mouth, dear. We don't want any flies to find their way into you." she giggled. You didn't realise that you were gawking at her.

'Well, can I help it if you look like an entire meal?' you thought to yourself. She cocked her head in confusion but straightened herself again. She went over to one edge of the pool and rested her head and shoulders backwards on it. She closed her eyes and get out a sigh.

"There is a little bottle on the counter of my sink. Pick it up and come here, beautiful." she commands. 

You do as asked and walk over to her counter to find the bottle. You pick up the only bottle that rested on the counter and walked over to lady Dimitrescu. Still closing her eyes, she spoke again "Did you find it?" she asked. "Mhm." you replied. 

"Sit down, dear. I would like a massage." 

You sat on the cold granite floor and opened the bottle. The fragrance escaped the bottle and filled the room. It smelled divine, to say the least. You couldn't quite put a finger on what the smell was but you weren't about to ask. You poured some of, what seemed like oil, onto your palms. Alcina spread her arms and placed them on the edge of the pool. Her arms were muscular and well defined. The window against which the bathtub was placed, let the moonlight in, making her wet arms and shoulders glisten. You rubbed the oil in between your palms "Ready?" you ask. She let out a deep chuckle "Why? Are you going to hurt me?" 

You roll your eyes and start to massage her fit forearms. Her little moans of pleasure made you continue the task, with a smile. She was enjoying every bit of the little massage. As you reached her palms with both your hands, your face came very close to hers. She opened her eyes and looked into yours. She gripped your arms, pulling you closer to her. Her lips were calling out to you. You leaned in and gave her a kiss. Your tummy did a little tumble. She released your arms and pulled your head in, deepening the kiss. She couldn't let go of you. She pulled away and turned around. She picked you up by your arms and brought you into the bathtub and placed you on her submerged lap.

"But my slip is still on.."

"We can take care of that, darling." 

She ran her fingers over your arms. Her nails were painted black. She pulled you closer to her and kissed your neck. You raise your head to give her more of your neck. She continued to give you small kisses all over your neck, making you close your eyes and moan. As she kissed you, she started to pull your slip down, exposing your breasts. She pulled away from your neck and gave you a long kiss. She pulled away after what seemed like minutes and started to caress your back. She continued to smile at you. She seemed to be enthralled by you.

"Who's Eveline?" you broke the silence.

Her hand stopped caressing your back as her expression turned cold. She seemed slightly shocked at your knowledge of the mysterious girl. She picks you up and lays you on the cold floor. She gets out of the bathtub and drapes her bathrobe around her.

"You have a habit of prying, don't you?" she asked, as she fastened the robe. She didn't turn around to look at you.

"No, I just-"

"Enough. You are in no position to ask me questions. Get dressed, now. Andrea has placed a dress for you on the table. Wear it, eat your dinner and come back." she cut you off, still not looking at you. She walked out of the bathroom, leaving you alone. You let out a sigh, picked up your slip and walked out, as well. 

Alcina was already seated on her vanity chair, writing something again. You walk over to the table and put on your slip. You unfold the dress and stare at it, in confusion. 

'This isn't a maidens uniform.' you turn around to look at Alcina. You catch her staring at you through the mirror but as soon as she meets your eyes, she looks back down and continues to scribble. You stare at the dress again. It looked much like Andrea's but in blue. You slip into it and run your finger through your hair to make it look presentable. You turn around to look at Alcina again but she continues to write. You let out a sigh and open the doors and walk out, after giving your lady one last look. 


When you reach the kitchen, you see the maidens sitting down and chatting. It wasn't the same without Margaretta, Emilia and Diana. You walk over to the pot to scoop some dinner onto a plate but you hear your name being discussed. You look around to see all the maidens staring at you. Yes, you looked different. Their stares were very unwelcoming. You were starting to get pissed. You put the plate down and stomp out of the kitchen.

Cursing and muttering to yourself, you reach the topmost floor of the castle. Realising where you are, you curse again. You turn around to walk back to the stairs and that's when you heard it. A melodious sound came from the door behind you. You turn around and walk over to the door. It was the same door that you had stumbled into not too long ago and had your first encounter with the lady. You push it open and enter.

The room is completely empty except for one Bela Dimitrescu. She was sitting on the piano seat and hitting the keys, aggressively. She hadn't noticed you yet so you ducked and hid behind a curtain. She seemed frustrated. She kept hitting the wrong notes over and over again, which made you smile.

"I know you're there." she spoke, without looking at you.

You went completely still. You didn't know what to do. You couldn't run and you couldn't stay there, as well.

"Come out."



My deepest apologies for not releasing a chapter yesterday but I can explain. I took my last shot of the vaccine yesterday and it put me out. I'm still very tired but I managed to write this part today. Y'all will have to make do with this one today but I'll post one or two tomorrow, to make up for yesterday's loss.

Sorry again.

See you tomorrow!

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now