Charitable Work

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The area where you scrubbed looked polished. You were quite proud of yourself. You get up to look at what the other three are doing and you frown when you realise that they had already moved on to other tasks. You take out the piece of paper and pencil from your apron pocket and start to strike out the first task. Right then, Emilia caught your arm mid air and said "Not so quick, Y/N. You will keep coming back and doing this throughout the day. The daughters like to mess around with new maidens and tire them out. They will make new messes on or near the areas you finished cleaning. They will then catch you off guard and-" "Emilia!" Margaretta's voice was quiet but sombre. Emilia rolled her eyes "Someone has to tell her, Maggie." she directed her words to Margaretta. Margaretta closed her eyes for a second to calm herself. She then turned around to look at you and said "Don't you worry, Y/N. We will be with you for the entirety of the day. If something of that sort were to happen, we will aid you. Won't we, Emilia?" she glared back at Emilia. Emilia exclaimed "But, Of course!" she turned to look at you and you could swear you spot a hint of mischief in her brown eyes "I might let loose a laugh every now and then but I'm always here to help." she smiled, mischievously. You couldn't help but smirk a little, understanding perfectly well that her words were nothing but sarcasm. 

"Are you three done with your little pep talk? Get over here and finish your work. I don't want to be blamed for your shenanigans." you finally heard Diana's voice. It was sweet and melodious but her face was still serious. Emilia and Margaretta got back to what they were doing but Diana continued to complain "I do everything flawlessly but still get into trouble for Emilia's devilry. She gets to roam around, scot-free! I slog all day and-" Diana was so busy brooding that she skipped a step and rammed onto the kitchen island. The force was so strong that a glass pitcher filled with what looked like some red liquid, shook and almost toppled over. Your keen eye caught the movement and caught the pitcher right as it was about to fall and shatter, without spilling a single drop of the liquid. The stench of the liquid filled your nostrils and your face sunk in disgust. As you placed the pitcher back on the counter, you noticed shocked faces staring at you. All the maidens seemed to pause their work and looked directly at you. You turned to look at Margaretta and Emilia and they mirrored the same expression. You turned around to look at Diana, who had tears in her eyes. "Th-Thank you." she said wiping her tears. "You're welcome. Why are you crying and why are all of you staring at me?" with that being said, the maidens quickly turned around and continued to work, a few maidens even eyed you intermittently. 

"You're quick, Y/N. I'll give you that. You just saved our little Diana's life right then. But you don't know that, do you?" Emilia finally spoke, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "What do you mean?" you asked. Margaretta quickly turned around and started to scrub the kitchen counters but her ears were facing your direction. Emilia looked at you and said "One mistake will earn you a non-refundable ticket to the dungeons." she raised her eyebrows and continued on with her task. You raised one eyebrow and turned back and walked towards a large cabinet and took out a few plates. Right as you brought them to Diana, who was in charge of serving, she held your hand "Just a word of caution from a Good Samaritan: When they start to play with you, which will be soon enough, do not act like you take pleasure in what they are doing. Don't try to be brave. Just scream as loud as possible and they will stop. They like the screams but they fear the wrath of their mother, more." she let go off your hand and started to plate the breakfast.

Once the plates were ready, Emilia chimed in "Why don't you help Diana carry the plates to the dining hall, Y/N? Your presence will distract them from Diana." she smiled at you. "Sure." you said and begin to carry the plates. "Wait, dear. What's the hurry?" Emilia stopped you. "We do not serve until the mistress and her daughters are ready." "And how would one know that?" you said, in a rather sarcastic tone of voice. "You will hear them sitting down in the dining hall. That is your que." Margaretta replied instead.

Right then, you heard the loud clicking of heels. Automatically, all the maidens stopped whatever they were doing and looked to the floor. You followed suit. You realised that it was the Lady Dimitrescu. You heard her entering the dining hall. Soon after that, you heard giggling coming from the hall and the voices seemed to fade to the dining room. Margaretta gave you a look and you immediately picked up the plates. Diana carried two plates which had some sort of meat and you carried two plates, one with eggs and the other with the same sort of meat. Margaretta came over to you and whispered "Remember, don't engage in conversation voluntarily. Come back as soon as you have placed the plates and take these two pitchers back to the dining hall. Go!" 

You did as instructed. You and Diana moved quickly towards the door that separated the kitchen from the dining hall. A maiden rushed to the door to open it for you. The two of you enter and you move to place the plates on the table. Diana placed two plates in front of the blonde and brunette, respectively, and left immediately. You placed the plate with the meat in front of the ginger and the plate with eggs in front of the mistress. You quickly scurried back and as you entered the kitchen to pick up the pitchers, you heard one of the girls saying "Oh, she's a cute one!". The maidens eyed you and immediately looked down. Emilia was trying her level best to suppress a laugh. She eventually put her hand to her mouth, still giggling quietly. Diana cleared her throat which made you look at her. She was glaring at you and cocked her head to the dining room. She was already holding a pitcher. You picked up the other one which reeked of alcohol. You hurried back into the dining room and placed the pitcher right next to the one placed by Diana. Diana was quick to hurry back into the kitchen and you followed but a hand fell on your shoulder. 

"Where are you running off to, little one?" the ginger spoke. Her hand didn't leave your shoulder but seemed to tighten around it. "We could use your physical company for a while, you know?" she leaned in a little closer. "Daniela." Lady Dimitrescu spoke which made the ginger, called Daniela, loosen her grip and finally let go off you. Right as you were about to leave, she spoke again but this time, loudly "Bela, would you be so kind as to hand me-" and with that, she tipped the pitcher you had placed and the liquid spilled on the table. The three girls let out a roar of laughter. She had done this purposely. Emilia was right, after all. They were trying to test your patience. You could feel your anger build up from inside you but Lady Dimitrescu shouted.

"Girls!" her palm slammed onto the table, successfully shushing the daughters, making them look to the ground. Her eyes now wide and filled with anger. She quickly turned to you "Bring a cloth and clean this mess, now!" Her voice was ringing in your ears but you ran into the kitchen where Margaretta was waiting with a damp cloth. "Take this and go fast!" she handed the cloth to you and pushed you towards the dining hall. You ran to the table and cleaned the mess. The daughters were still looking down. They hadn't moved an inch.

'She has incredible power, doesn't she?' you thought to yourself. You ran back to the kitchen to dispose off the cloth and replace it with a dry one. Emilia handed the cloth to you. Her hands were shaking and her eyes showed nothing but fear. You ran back into the dining hall and while doing so, your elbow scraped against the door frame. 

'Fuck!' you screamed internally. You could feel the burn building in that area. You didn't give it a second thought but realised that the wound was now bleeding. You swiped the cloth over the area that you had cleaned a second ago, to remove the dampness. As you stepped down, Lady Dimitrescu swiped her gloved index finger along your wound and licked it. She raised one eyebrow and gave you a small smirk. She looked to her daughters and said "Continue."

You ran back to the kitchen where the maidens all awaited your safe return. You held your elbow in your palm. Margaretta ran over to you and noticed your wincing position.

"Are you okay? Let me have a look." she said. You released your palm from your elbow. Your wound was severely bleeding. Margaretta took you to the kitchen sink and washed your arm.

"It will pain for a while but don't worry, we have..." her voice trailed off as you started reminiscing abut the events earlier. You could still feel Lady Dimitrescu's finger on your wound. You smiled and let out a sigh.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now