Risky Business

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You come to a halt as you reach a hallway. You walk down and stand before a door with an engraving on it. The engraving read "Maiden's chambers". You look around but you see nobody. You have to find those two girls and leave this castle, once and for all. You open the door and find yourself in another dark hallway. The walls had several doors. You assume they are the maiden's rooms. It was eerily quiet.

You open your ears to listen for some sort of sound "Nicoletta? Olivia?" you whisper. You walk through the hallway, cautiously, as you wait for a response. Right then, you hear a noise coming from behind a door. You slowly walk to it and open it "Nicoletta?" you whisper. No one was in the room. You could swear you heard something from this room. A sense of dread starts to befall you. You turn to leave.

"Well, hello there, my flower." Bela stands before you, grinning. She stood between you and the door, blocking your only route of escape. Your stomach falls. She brings her index finger to your cheek and runs it down from your temple to your chin. She starts to caress your face with the back of her palm.

"What a pleasure it is to see you, indeed." she purrs "Naughty girl. You're supposed to be in your room." she spanks your behind, making you shout. "I guess, destiny brought us together again."

She pulls you into her arms and smashes her lips against yours. The shock made you part your lips and she slides her tongue in. She holds the back of your head and pulls you even closer. 

Her kiss lacked passion but was full of lust. She grabbed your arms, while still kissing you, and turned you around. She pushed you to the wall and pinned you there. Your tongue was still battling hers. 

'I have to escape this and in order for me to do that, I have to indulge her.'

You let out a small moan into her mouth. She smiled against your lips and let out a low and seductive chuckle. She starts to kiss you harder and with more passion, anticipating another moan. You grip her breast and start to massage her nipples.

"Naughty, naughty..." she purrs as her kisses gain more lust "I like that.." 

She grips your face to get a better hold of you. Your other hand travels down to her privates. You slide your hand into her underwear and massage her clit with vigour. She is already wet. 

She starts to moan against your lips. As you pick up speed, her grip loosens and her hands fall on your shoulders. Her moans are gaining in numbers but she keeps her voice low. 

Once you realise that she has lost herself to your touch, you push her away from you with all the strength you can muster, making her fall to the ground and you quickly run out of the room.

Your legs seem to have a mind of their own as they carry you through the hallways with great speed. As you make a turn, a figure forms in front of you. Bela grabs your arms and pins you against the wall.

"Playing games?" she purrs. She holds your throat and chokes you. Her other hand travels down to your privates "Scream for me like you scream for mother." she commanded.

"Bela!" a voice called out from across the hallway. You and Bela whip your heads in the direction of the voice and find Daniela standing. She looks at you and then back at her sister "Mother has called for us. Unless, you want Cassandra and I to finish off the best bits, you better come now. Andrea is on her way to take this girl back to her room." she says, still looking at Bela.

Bela turns to you and gives you a seductive smile "Later, flower. I will come for you and make you finish what you started."

And with that, she transforms into a swarm of flies and disappears. You look at Daniela.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now