A Treat For Beneviento- Part One

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Heisenberg moved through the taverns of what looked like a crypt. Soon enough, you could see a bright light hitting the walls of the cave which could only mean that you both were leaving the cold and compressed enclosure. You were soon out of the cave and Heisenberg placed you down. He pushed you to the ground and swung his big hammer in the air. A huge beast jumps down out of nowhere, startling you. You look back at Heisenberg and he smirked.

"You will be at Donna's momentarily." he said. The beast growled and picked you up with the fervour of a bull. 

"Good luck. You'll need it." Heisenberg let out a deep roar of laughter and the beast charged away.

The beast sprinted through the valley, avoiding all the trees that may have hit you. You couldn't muster the courage to look up at the ugly thing. His grip around you was secure, leaving no chance for an escape. Somewhen, you reached a valley enveloped in mist. The entire fog made things look blurry and eventually, made the things around you unrecognizable. He stopped in front of a makeshift mansion where he secured a foothold. He dropped you on the porch and left, immediately. Your eyes followed him until he disappeared into the mist. Before you could make another move, the doors behind you opened, sending you a sense of an invitation. You got up and walked in to see a large hall. A stairway stood right in the middle. With great caution, you walked towards it but stopped right before the first step.

"Climb." an innocent but mature voice ordered. You walked up the stairway and saw a large picture to your right. The person in the picture was a woman. Her eyes radiated a sense of calm. She was dressed in a black funeral down, holding Angie to the left.

"Beautiful." you said. She indeed was a sight. You lingered there, staring at the woman. 'Could this be Donna?' you moved closer to the picture and raised your hand to touch it. Right then you felt someone standing by your left. 

"Welcome to house Beneviento!" Angie was floating in the air. Her shriek of a tone took you by surprise and your leg slipped. Before you could fall, head first, a pair of hands caught you from behind. You turned your head around to see a veiled Donna Beneviento holding you tightly. She stood you up and you turned around.

"Is this you?" you asked, turning your head to the picture again. When you didn't hear an answer, you turned around to look at her but she had disappeared.

"Donna?" you call out but all you could hear were little giggles. You turn around to face Angie but she had disappeared, too.

"Come find us, little chick!" Angie's voice echoed throughout the halls. Mist started to cover the entire hall, sending a wave of fear through you.

"Donna, please! Don't kill me!" you shout but your cries were muffled by the loud sounds of childish laughter. You stumbled your way up the stairs and walked through the halls.

'Alcina, where are you?' little streams of tears flowed down your cheeks. Things were getting harder and harder to see. You used your hands as a guide and kept placing them on the walls. The sounds of laughter kept growing fainter and fainter as you moved further through the halls.

"This way, prettiness!" Angie's voice came from your left. You whipped your head around and saw a carpet leading down another hall. You let out a fearful sigh and followed the carpet. The halls twisted around, making you take many turns. The fog was slightly less dense in these parts. Little yellow flowers were hung from the ceiling.

Suddenly, you notice a figure walk behind a clouded glass wall. You run towards it but the figure disappeared quickly. The path continued to your right. You had no other choice but to do as compelled. The glass wall continued by your left and suddenly, you reach an empty hall. The lighting was very poor which made it harder for you to focus.

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