Can You Smell Something Burning?

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Emilia looked so disappointed in you. She really thought you would listen to her, having given the fact that she knows, all too well, how badly things could go for you. You felt guilty. She took her hands off of your shoulders and looked at you "After a little bit, you'll hear the teacups being placed on the table. Go in, gather them on the trays and bring them right outside."

She looked down to hide her anger "I would go in with you but lord Heisenberg doesn't like to be interrupted by too many maidens when their discussions pick up pace." she still wouldn't look at you.

'Geez, I really did disappoint her.'


Somewhen, you hear the clinking of cups and Emilia nudges you to the door. You knock twice and open the doors.

"And I have decided that the Eveline girl is yet another failure." Miranda had just finished a sentence. The four lords and Miranda look at you as you enter the room. Your eyes stay on the ground as you scurry about to pick up the teacups. As you stack the trays on top of each other and place the teacups on the trays, Miranda clears her throat.

"Y/N. How are you liking the castle? Are you adjusting well?" she smiled. You look at your lady for assurance but she doesn't return the look. Instead, her eyes look at down at her cigarette holder. Without the aid of the mistress, you are unsure of what is appropriate to say.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm enjoying my work here, thank you." you finally say.

The hat man lets out a chuff "Sure you are." he says, sarcastically.

You gave Miranda a quick smile and leave the room with the trays. You walk out of the room and hand the trays to Emilia so that you could shut the doors.

"Well? Did they seem distraught?" Emilia asked, curiously.

"No, not really. I didn't notice any grunts." you say to her. 

"Consider yourself very lucky, Y/N. Most maidens would be slapped for such inappropriate behaviour. Now, I'm going to the kitchen to help out the others. You stay out here and wait for the meeting to end. Once the lords leave the room, you enter and clean the table well with this cloth." her eyes gesture to her apron pocket. You reach inside and grab a cloth.

"Once you finish cleaning, come directly to the kitchen. I think we need to have a wee chat, dear." she gave you a stern look and walked away. You let out a big sigh and twiddle your thumbs out of boredom.


The doors of the meeting hall swing open. The veiled being leaves the room after looking in your direction for a moment, her doll rested on her chest. Second, the humanoid creature walks out but gives you a small smile, which you return. The man with the top hat and a quick temper stomps out, a huge hammer rests on his shoulder. He smirks at you "You've really caught her attention alright, beasty." he grins and leaves.

As you wait for lady Dimitrescu to come to the doors, Miranda calls out for you.

"Y/N! Are you still outside, my dear?" 

You quickly turn and enter the room. The atmosphere seems a bit awkward. The lady is just a few steps closer to the door than Miranda is. You look to Miranda.

"Come closer, dear." she lowers her voice to sound seductive. Lady Dimitrescu readjusts her shoulders to release some of the stress that's building up. She doesn't look pleased with Miranda's tone of voice.

You walk to Miranda. She takes your hands in hers and widens her grin "I would like to thank you for your splendid company. It's a pleasure to know you." she says.

"The pleasure is mine, Mother Miran- uh I mean, Miranda." you look down. Your eyes slowly, and involuntarily, look at your lady. She displayed a very confused expression as she looked at both of you.

Miranda turned your head towards her by your chin, with her index finger. Your eyes had to leave the Lady's face and look at Miranda. 

She quickly took off her mask and placed her lips on yours. Your eyes widen in shock. Her eyes close as she kisses your lips thrice and pulls away. She flashes her million dollar sweet smile and turns towards the lady. You look at your lady and find your exact same expression mirrored on her face. Miranda proceeds to walk out of the room and disappear out of sight.

The lady's expression changed immediately. 

"You." she says in a very low and raspy voice. Her tone mirrored her temperament. With a few quick strides, she reached in front of you. She grabs your hand and drags you out of the room. She takes you and her through the familiar halls and walk right into your room. She pushes you in.

"You are to stay here, until further notice!" she shouts "Do not try and leave this room! If you do, the consequences will be excruciating!" 

And with that, she turned around to leave your room and slammed your door behind her. You hear locking sounds and fading of footsteps. 

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now