Caged Bird

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"Now, what do we have here?" you smirk, shutting the door behind you. You reach behind you and unbutton your dress, letting it fall on the ground.

"Keep your slip on." Alcina bites her lip. You get out of your panties and walk to her, throwing it on her face. She takes a good whiff and lets out a deep chuckle.

"Already wet..." she grins. You climb on the bed and push her down onto the pillows. She lets out a small gasp but grins at you. You look her up and down and sit on her tummy. She chuckles and holds your hips. You place your hand on her torso and run it from her stomach to her neck, lightly choking her. She closes her eyes and moans. You smirk and lick her chest, making your way to her left breast. You run your tongue around her nipple, teasing her.

"Y/N..." she moans and you close your mouth around her nipple. You suck and tug on it, massaging her other breast and pulling at her other nipple, occasionally. She opens her eyes and sits up-

"Uh huh. Not yet, honey. Not when you greet me like this." you push her down "Me, first." 

She closes her eyes and chuckles, massaging your hips with her hands. Her hands reach behind your back and massage the upper portion of your butt. You hiss and lean on her chest, leaving small kisses on her neck. You pull on her nipples and her grip on your butt tightens. 

You growl at her, fiendishly, and lick your way down from her neck to her naval. You leave a trail of soft and slow kisses to the tip of her groin. You sit up and move to her left thigh, which was raised. You make eye contact with Alcina and slowly remove her left stocking, giving her thigh and knee a litany of kisses. Alcina giggles and bites her index finger, grinning at you. You pull her stocking down and raise her foot to meet your mouth. 

"Mmmmm..." you moan, as you brush your lips over her toes. You look at Alcina, again. Her smile had disappeared but she was still gnawing on her index finger, watching your every action with great interest. You kiss down to her heel and press her foot against your chest, smirking at her. She grins, her teeth still holding her finger, and rubs her foot against your chest and neck. Her foot reaches your mouth and you suck on her big toe.

"That tickles..." she grins. You close your eyes and widen your smile, as you lick her toes. You lower her foot down to your groin and make eye contact with Alcina. She removes her finger from her mouth and rests it on the side of her face. She curls in her other toes and draws circles on the hood of your privates, with her big toe.

" snake..." you hiss and crawl to her privates. You bend down and lick around her clit, making her giggle. You look up at her with your eyes and see her biting her index finger, again. She uses her other hand to move away your hair from your face and grip it all in her hand, allowing you to work on her without obstructions. You smile and run your tongue slowly from her vagina to her clit, making her throw her head back and chuckle. You run your tongue around her clit one last time and stick it in her. 

"Oh..." she removes her finger from her mouth and places that hand on the mattress, to steady herself. She moves her hips in accordance with the thrusting of your tongue. She moans every time you pull out, making you grip her hips and work faster.

"That's right, good girl. Just like that..." she whispers. You chuckle against her vagina and close your eyes. You close your mouth around her clit and suck on it.

"Oh, you slut!" she exclaims and raises her hips, making you press her against your mouth. You could feel her coming, as her moans gets louder and faster. You dig your nails into her hips and give her clit a loud suck. She screams and comes on your lower lip. You continue to lick her up and down until her orgasm subsides. She releases her grip on your hair and lays back down on the mattress, looking up and breathing heavily. You lick her cum from your lower lip and give her groin a smack, making her jerk and chuckle. 

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now