The Madam's Authority

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"Oh, you're a funny man, Gabe!" 

You and Gabe laugh away at a little, but boring joke he had cracked, whilst you seductively shift your weight from one of this lap to the other. Gabe Cameron was the newest trustee assistant to a big shot in the BSAA. Albeit conventionally charming, he was nothing but a bore. His entire personality was based on his assumption that women would constantly bicker over who was better in bed with him. This, of course, is untrue. This, of course, is the reason why you chose him for information.

"And extremely handsome, might I add." you fiddle with a perfectly sewed button on his blaring white suit shirt. 

"I wish I could say the same for you." he teases.

"Oh, you're rubbish!" you sarcastically but seductively gasp as you playfully hit his chest, making him throw his head back and laugh. He looks at you and runs his hand up your thigh, lifting your pencil skirt the slightest bit. You take this opportunity to lean forward and fully burden his chest with your weight. Your actions were welcomed, as expected.

"Say that again, and I might just make my way to your boss' office." you tease and seductively rub your nose with his sharp one, making him grin like a schoolboy.

"Oh, you don't want to do that." he raises his eyebrows but keeps his eyes on your nose, his grin still planted on his face.

"What was his name, again?" you furrow your eyebrows.

"Chri-...Oh! You sneak! You almost caught me!" he leans back and widens his eyes, looking a tad bit relieved that he bit his tongue. Disappointment grows in you. You try and succeed in concealing it before it mirrors in your eyes.

'I'm going to have to bed this motherfucker.' 

"Hmm, guilty. I guess I'm not as witty as you are, I suppose. And, that's a bore." you pout.

"Oh, you're anything but boring." he coos, as his right hand moves from your thigh to grazing your panty line.

"What're you waiting for then, Gabriel?" you nibble at his lower lip, as you see his pupils widening. 

In a haste, he picks you up, bridal style, and almost launches you on his perfectly polished wooden desk. You gasp and bite your lip, as you spread your legs for him. He raises your skirt while he kisses you. Before you know it, his face went from being lodged between your legs to moaning in your ear as he penetrates you. 

After a few good thrusts, you let him release himself on your stomach. You let your eyes not wander around the room to fulfil your ulterior motive of being here. He takes out his napkin for you to clean yourself. Once you notice him turning around and tidying himself, you quietly hop off the desk and slyly walk to a stack of files you noticed when you first came in an hour ago. You notice if he's watching you. His back was to you and his eyes were glued to his phone. You keep a distance from yourself and the files, as you stand on your toes to peak at the heading. Two files were very clearly sticking out, enough for you to catch the titles.

Raccoon City Destruction Incident


"Hey, curious cat!" you whip your head around to see Gabe fastening his belt and looking at you with a frown "Control your eyes when you're with me."

His voice lacked all sense of dominance. You almost laugh in your head, but stop yourself to avoid any slippage of expression. You cock your head to your right and sheepishly smile at him. 

"Do I scare you?" 

Gabe shoots daggers at you. Yes, he felt threatened. If not, he felt defeated. His words were as empty as his personality, and he knows that. You judge the situation and resolve to a different path. A girl that he wants, a girl that shows him that he's in charge. You slowly walk to him and display an expression that screamed submissiveness.  

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now