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After walking through however many doors and corridors, the lady finally halts in front of a door. She gives it a graceful push and it opens smoothly. She enters, yanking you further in. She proceeds to drag you in front of her making you stumble near a bed. You quickly turn around to look at her. She lets out a sigh but her face still stern. She places one palm over the other in front of her and opens her mouth to speak. 

"I know you have questions and the necessary ones will be answered tomorrow. For now, rest. Lunch will be brought to you soon." Her words had no emotion to them. It sounded as if she had to say them to you out of compulsion. She studied your face for a good minute and her eyes wandered to your neck. She pursed her lips and quickly looked back up again. She turned around slowly, her hand still placed on her palm, and left without another word. 

"What is this behaviour? First, I get chased by a bird lady and now I'm in some lavish palace." Your head starts to throb as you say this out loud to the walls of the room. You place your index finger and thumb on the bridge of your nose and start to squeeze it. You look around. The room isn't saying much for itself compared to the rest of the castle. It looks relatively humble. The room was dimly lit and the light fell on only a few pieces of furniture, including a bed, a table and a little cupboard. You seemed to notice another door but you didn't want to know what lurked past it. You turned around and walked to the main door and pulled on the door knob but it just wouldn't seem to budge. 'Of course, she's fucking locked it!' you say to yourself. "Aarrghhh!" you throw your fists on the door but the hard wood made your hands hurt. You turn around and lean against it, slowly sliding down and you finally sat on the cold floor. You cover your face with your palms out of frustration. How long can you keep this up? Running from one place to another just to face an even bigger weirdo. 

After what seemed like a good amount of time, you make yourself get up and walk towards the bed, aggressively plopping down on it, face first. You eyes close automatically and you drift off.


In the dream, you stood before the bird woman. The environment, cold. Behind her, stood the four beings from before. They were all speaking to you but their words weren't legible. The bird woman took off her mask and revealed her face which seemed to be rotting. Her face infected with nematodes and pustules. She grabbed your arms and started to shake you.

In a jolt, you wake up. Your eyes start to tear up. You hear rustling in the room and when you look down, you see several young girls near your feet. You see a girl approach you from the darkness with a cloth in her hand. "Lie still. No need to panic, we're only tending to your wounds." she says as she places the cloth, which was damp, on your head. "You have several wounds, some deeper than others. We do not want you to get infected. Hence, the damp cloth." she explains with no emotion. She catches you looking at her, confused. Her eyes now soften and her lips curl up ever so slightly. She was trying to seem as warm as possible. 

"My name is Andrea. I am the mistress of the maidens, here. I am to take care of you today and walk you through your chores for the next few weeks. But no more on that now, you must rest. There is a bowl of warm ciorba de legume on your nightstand. Please eat. You'll feel better." she was now smiling at you. You looked to your nightstand and see the bowl. You try to reach for it but wince in pain. Andrea takes notice of this and immediately hands the bowl to you. You smile at her "Thanks. How long was I out?" you ask her as you shove a spoonful of the soup into your mouth. The taste was nothing special but it was warm, none the less, which will do you some good. "We came in an hour after Lady Dimitrescu left the room." she replied, watching your every move. "Her name is Lady Dimitrescu?" Alcina Dimitrescu. What a lovely name. "Yes, Y/N. You must address her so." 

She takes the empty bowl from you and asks the girls to leave. Your legs are now bandaged. The girls scurry out with the supplies and Andrea quickly follows. "Wait!" you call out. "H-How do you know my name?". "Lady Dimitrescu has informed me about you. Now rest, Y/N. You will need whatever strength you can spare." she smiles and leaves.

'What does that mean?' 

You begin to rub your temples. 'I never introduced myself. Or did I?' that very thought makes your head hurt again. You notice a large window. You walk over to it and try to open it, hoping to jump out and leave, but it wouldn't budge. 'Do they have a habit of locking everything here?'.

You quickly walk back to the bed, frustrated and annoyed. You decide to follow what Andrea advised and sleep. You lay on your right, trying not to think of the pain. 'When the door finally opens again, I'll make a run for it.' you slowly close your eyes and before you know it, you were dead asleep.


Hi. How are we all?

I know the chapters are a drag but I don't want to rush the story. Unsatisfactory stories are the worst, am I right or am I right? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the three relatively boring chapters but, like I said earlier, I do have an idea about the storyline. It gets interesting, if I say so myself.

Thanks for your precious time, darlings. I'll be back in a few hours with another chapter.

Toodle pip and Cheerio!

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now