A Seven Stitched Deal

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The horse trots slowly towards the factory. You see the fog ridden image of the large buildings in the distance. You squint as you make out the outline.

"You need to take me back to the castle, Heisenberg."

"If I take you back now, all hell will break lose. Let's go somewhere safe first." 

Heisenberg tightens his hand around the reins. His coat brushes against your bathrobe. You blush and adjust your bathrobe to fully cover yourself.

"Relax!" Heisenberg laughs "I have no interest in you. I mean, not unless you want to..."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm only playing. You need to let loose, kid." Heisenberg clears his throat.

"Alcina must be freaking out." you whisper. Heisenberg chuckles and pulls on the reins. The horse halts in front of two large gates.

"Come. I'll help you get down." Jill extends her hand. You take her hand and hop off the horse. You look at Ada. She is busy looking around and rubbing her arms. You shake your head and look back at the factory.

"In, in! We can finish sightseeing later!" Heisenberg pulls your arm.

"Hey!" you complain but he pays you no attention. 

The lycans of the factory growl and give way for the four of you. He opens the door to the factory and pushes you in. The factory didn't stray far from its name. It's a wonder how Heisenberg manages to sleep in all of this ruckus. Machine parts were scattered all over the place. The height of the factory was twice as much as the castle. Tiny, rickety bridges connected many floors to each other. You see many cyborg like things creaking about. Heisenberg pulls you to the elevator and pushes you in. He presses the button marked "5" and the elevator jerks. Slowly, it starts to ascend. You smell oil and fuel and scrunch your nose.

"Well, this isn't the castle, princess. Suck it up for a while." Heisenberg smirks at you. You frown and look ahead again. The elevator jerks and stops. The doors open after a ding sound. Heisenberg pushes you ahead as Ada and Jill walk behind him. He walks you through a long corridor and opens the door that stood at the dead end. 

"Both of you, go to the fireplace and warm up." He addresses Jill and Ada as he pulls two chairs to the side "You. Come here." Heisenberg beckons you and places the chair facing each other. He walks out into an adjacent room and comes back in a jiff, holding clothes in his hand. He shuts the door and walks to you.

"Here. Wear these and throw the robe into that bin over there." he says and turns around to face Jill and Ada. The girls get the hint and show their backs to you, just like Heisenberg. Heisenberg crosses his arms in front of him as he waits patiently for you to change. 

"Eyes in front, Ada." Jill warns as Ada tries to peak at you. She smirks and shows her back to you again. You put on the pants and the sleeveless brown shirt. They were both incredibly loose but you didn't mind.

"I'm done." You turn around and look at their backs.

"Done?" Heisenberg looks behind and sits you down on one of the chairs "There's some whiskey in that cupboard. Go to town." he addresses Ada and Jill as he rummages through a drawer by the chairs.

"Finally." Ada whispers and fetches the drink and four glasses. You watch her pour the malt beverage into the glasses. As she fills the fourth glass, she looks up at you and smirks.

"Are you old enough to drink?" she mocks. You frown at her and Jill shakes her head. Heisenberg chuckles and sits down on the chair in front of you and pulls it closer to you. Ada brings two glasses and hands one each to both of you. You take your glass and look at Heisenberg. He tip his glass and pours some of the liquid on to a needle he's holding and places the glass on the drawer.

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