Trust In Me

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"Alcina, I'm talking to you!" Miranda roared at Alcina. Alcina seems stunned and humiliated. She was well aware of the maidens' presence in the kitchen. Her breathing pattern changed and she clenched her fists.

"Miranda, listen-"

"Shush, my dear. Shush." she cupped your face again. She looked around your face, searching for residual wounds but let out a sigh when she found none. The way she was behaving is just ludicrous. 'She didn't have to scream at Alcina like that. Didn't she hear the maidens in the kitchen?' You start to frown.

"Find me a place to be with her alone, Alcina. Now." she was still looking at you. Alcina let out a huff "Follow me, Mother Miranda." Alcina refused to look at you. She was fuming.

Alcina lead you and Miranda to a posh room and left immediately. You look to her to see if she would turn back and give you a glance but she did nothing of that sort. She obviously felt humiliated. You let out a huff and turn around to look at Miranda. She cups your face and asks you to sit down next to her, on a little sofa.

"Oh, my dear. Look at what she did to you." she cups your face and starts to sob. 

'Why is she acting like this?'

She proceeds to rest her forehead against yours. You open your mouth to explain.

"Miranda, it's nothing. Some of the maidens and I were just roughhousing. This is the regrettable aftermath. I don't feel any pain." you take her face and move it from yours. You give her a small smile to calm her down but she frowns, instead.

"I don't like fibbers, my dear." she says "Alcina has done this so many times before. She is just incapable of handling anything with care. And you, my dear, are quite delicate." she smiles, sadly.

"What do you mean she's done this before?" 

Miranda lets out a loud chuckle, throwing her head back "My dear, do you really believe that you're the first one? She loves tasting things. Her hunger for new blood is unquenchable. Pleasure and fear are important factors to ripen the blood, among other things. She is known to fuck maidens and then drain them of their blood." she looked sympathetic. 'So, Alcina's been using me.'

"What you think she feels for you, is not real." Miranda's voice brought you back from your dream world "She is incapable of loving, gorgeous. She is a monster, after all." she finishes. You look down, unable to accept these cruel assumptions about Alcina. Miranda cups your face and looks right into your eyes.

"May I?" she looks at the bandage. You nod your head, giving her your approval. She removes the bandage and looks at the wound "Three stitches." she closes her eyes and lets out a loud sigh "But it looks like it's healing." she opens her eyes again and secures the bandage back again. She moves her hand from the site of the wound and starts to caress your face. Her left hand moves down to your chest and unbuttons the first two of your maidens frock. She lets her claws graze your slightly bare chest, making you moan quietly. She pushes one side of the frock down to fully expose one shoulder. Her right palm goes from your cheek to your chin. She makes you look at her while leaning in a bit closer. Her lips almost brush yours but you turn your head, avoiding her advances. 

She lets out a frustrated sigh and lets go of you. She immediately gets up and walks to the door. Before she opens it, however, she turns back to look at you "One day you'll want me and I will stop at nothing to pursue you." she turns around and leaves the room. You let out a sigh, readjust your frock and walk out of the room.


The room was quite close to the kitchen. You dread the thought of entering the kitchen again, knowing fully well that the other maidens were all ears to your little conversation with Miranda and Alcina. You walk to the kitchen and see only a handful of maidens cleaning the counters and the floors. They turn around to give you a glance but go back to their chores. 

"Hey." Diana approaches you from behind.

"Hey." you reply. Your voice was just full of sadness. Diana takes notice of this and puts one hand on your shoulder.

"Andrea has given me laundry work today. The same as that day. Emilia and Margaretta have agreed to help me with it. Would you care to join? The extra set of hands will always be of aid." she looked at you, pleadingly. 

"Sure." Of course, you would help her. You have taken quite a liking to her and it's almost impossible to say no to that beautiful face. You remember what she did to you that day and smile. You can't deny, it felt good.

"Do you know where lady Dimitrescu might be? I would like to visit her before we start." you ask Diana.

She turns you around and entwines her hand with yours "She seemed very distraught and stomped away to her quarters. It's best not to approach her now, if you want to keep your life." Diana answers. She's right. Alcina seemed very upset and there is nothing scarier than a humiliated noblewoman. You let out a huff and walk outside with Diana.


Emilia and Margaretta have already started hanging the linens. Emilia turns around to grab another from the basket when she spots you both "About time, love birds! Can you walk any faster?" she shouts at you and Diana, sarcastically. You roll your eyes and Diana chuckles "Yes, grumpy. We're coming." Diana lets go of you and runs ahead, making you smile. The three of them start talking and laughing. 

As you approach them, you hear the wind pick up speed. The trees in the distance start to sway. You stomach and gut clench. 'Something doesn't feel right.' you say to yourself. You stop walking and look around. 

"Hey, Miss. Dolly Daydream! We can admire the nothingness of the castle later, please!" Emilia calls out to you, but you ignore her. You start to get panicky and place your hand on your stomach. 

"Y/N, is everything okay?" Margaretta calls out. You look at the three of them to catch them looking at you with concern. Your eyes widen and you shout.

"Emilia, Margaretta, Diana! Get out!"

Right then, a huge beast jumps down from above and slashes their throats with its axe. You let out a guttural gurgling scream. Their blood splashed on the white linens, making the white turn a bright rosy red. 

The beast starts to approach you but you stand there, shocked.

"Y/N! Get out of the way!" Miranda's voice came from behind. Within a second, she reached the beast and thrusts her razor sharp wings inside it, making it fall on the ground, lifeless. Your eyes didn't leave the the girls' dead bodies. Margaretta and Emilia's heads were decapitated and thrown far away. Diana's lifeless body faced you. Her eyes were wide and stared at you. Blood trickled down from her parted mouth. The entire scene was too much for you to handle.

"Y/N!" Miranda rushed to you but before you could look at her, you could feel yourself passing out.

"In my arms, dear!" Miranda's voice was faint and distant.


Okay. This part of the story was originally scheduled to come out much later. I did want a little bit of lemony action in this chapter but, as it so happens, things have taken an unexpected turn. Tbh, I do know how I want the later part of the story to go but filling in chapters until I reach those zesty parts is going to be challenging. 

Please be patient with me, kiddos. I am trying my level best.

Thanks a ton! See you tomorrow with another chapter.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now