A Treat For Beneviento- Part Two

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"Now now, dear." Miranda's arms behaved like a straightjacket. She was incredibly strong for someone that petite. You wrestled against her, shouting and screaming, but she held you to her "Let's not be so unyielding." she turned you around from the door and walked back to where you were sitting. You hadn't stop trying to get away from her. You raised your legs to try to free yourself from her steely grasp but to no avail. 

"FUCK YOU, MIRANDA! LET...ME...GOOO.." you screamed.

"ENOUGH!" she growled. She turned you around to face her and held your face with her clawed hand. Her copper nails dug into your jaw, making you shout in pain. 

"I do not want any mishaps here, my darling. I could finish you off without batting an eyelid, had you not been so fruitful. I can cause you pain, beyond measure, which will ultimately aid me. But, you seem to be important to another. That person in question has disappointed me and she has to pay the price and you will be my Magnum Opus." her voice was colder than Alcina's hands. She looked right into your eyes. You knew who she was talking about so you calmed down. Miranda watched as you stopped struggling against her and let out a sigh. Her lips curled up into a smile and she loosed her grip on your jaw.

"Oh! Did we really have to throw a hissy fit? Look at how much energy you've spent already! And your jaw..." she ran her fingers over the multiple wounds her claws made while her other hand still clutched you to avoid an escape "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Ruined your beauty!" 

She removed her mask, threw it on the wood floor and cupped your face again but this time, tenderly. You no longer found her indicolite blue eyes beautiful. Knowing what this woman is capable of, you thought it'd be best if you listen to her for now.

"Good girl..." she ran her thumb over your lower lip "Clever girl..." her chuckle was deep and villainous. She let go of you but her left hand held your palm. She sat down on your seat and beckoned for you to sit. Reluctantly, you turn around to sit on the chair Donna was seated but Miranda kicked the chair away, making it hit the wall and break. 

"Sit..." she hissed. You knew what she meant and sat down on the wood floor, by her feet. She bent over to loom over you and scanned your face. 

"So, gauche!" she said, as she moved a strand of hair from your face and tucked it behind your ear "How should we make you obedient, hmm?" she raised your chin. You had no other choice but to look into her eyes, in disgust. You were fuming and you wanted to show her that. She took note of it and frowned.

"Look here, dear." she straightened her spine again. "I tried to be nice, didn't I? I mean, there's only so much one can do." she ran her thumb over the back of your hand, which she still held. You looked away but she turned your face to her again "How about our first meeting, hmm? You seemed so....interested." she smirked.

"That was false! A trap!" you spat.

She hit your palm with her hand, teasingly and frowned "Oh, that's not very nice, is it? It was no such thing." she smirked again. You let out a huff and scowled at her.


She raised an eyebrow at your expression and brought your hand up to feel her cheek "Feels good?" she smirked "Smoother than Alcina's, isn't it? You'd better get used to it. This is the only living thing you'll be touching, henceforth." you yanked your hand away from her grip and she smiled. She stood up, picked up her mask and raised you up, as well.

"I have arranged a little meeting this evening to discuss the casualties you and Alcina have caused. I expect you to be there. You are, after all, my little prize." she chucked and kissed your palm. She walked to the door, opened it and left. 

After gathering yourself, you walk out of the door. When you reach the main hall, you see Donna standing by the staircase, waiting for you. When she spots you, she lets out a sigh and jogs to you.

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