Envy Thy Neighbour- Part Two

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"It's nothing." Alcina grabs the book and hides it behind her. She looks down and blushes.

"No! Show me!" you try to reach behind her but being the whole lot of a woman that she is, you are barely able to reach behind her.

"Stop it, now." she growls. You narrow your eyes at her and gesture her to give the book to you. She raises her eyebrows and looks away. You pull her chin to you and raise an eyebrow.

"Show me, please."

She rolls her eyes and hands you the book. The cover consisted of three men and a woman. The woman, who is obviously Alcina, looks as haughty as she is now. You look up at her and smile.

"Miss. D?"

"I was a singer. That's all." she barks.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"How does it matter? Those days are long gone."

"You can still sing to me."

"I'm not that woman anymore, dear." her eyes soften. You hold her shoulders and kiss her cheek.

"You're voice is beautiful." you purr. She smiles and rolls her eyes. You raise an eyebrow and smirk.

"Miss. D, is it?" you mock. A hard spank lands on your back, making you gasp.

"I said, enough." she raises an eyebrow. 

"I'm not going to let this go." you hop off her lap and run out of the room.

"Y/N, come back here!" she growls "Give me that book!"

Alcina chases after you as you run through the many corridors, giggling hysterically. Many times, you get cornered but somehow find an exit. 

"Enough, Y/N! It's not funny!" she shouts but you don't stop. You run faster, losing her in the process. You wait for her to catch up and the second you spot her, you start running again.

"Come here, you!" she grabs your collar and slams you against the wall. 

"Naughty girl!" she coos. You pull her head in and kiss her. As she loses herself to the kiss, you bite her lip and she lets go of you, instantly. You chuckle and start running again.

"You rat!" she tries to catch up with you but you pick up your pace. Soon, you lose her again. You run to her room, open it and close the door. You grin and walk backwards to the window, waiting for her to enter. 

"Y/N?" the voice came from behind you. You whip your head around to see Ada trying to get in through the window.

"Ada?! What the hell are you doing here?" you run to her and help her in. She takes your hand and enters the room. 

"Why are you panting?" she asks, dusting the snow from her pant.

"Ada, you're not supposed to be here. Get out, now!"

"Rude! I saved your ass and this is the thanks I get." she crossed her arms in front of her.

"Excuse me, when did you ever save me? Jill did." you mimic her actions. She rolls her eyes and look out of the window.

"Listen." she starts and looks at you again "I don't have a lot of time so, here it is." she reaches into her pocket and hands you a note. You open it and read it.

"Nice place." she walks over to the bed.

"Ada, don't touch anything." you look up from the paper to her. She raises her hands and walks to you again.


I'll be there in a week's time. I hope you have the information we agreed on.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now