Push It Real Good

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You wait until Alcina walks away and then you leave the room. You walk down and into the dining hall. You see Bela and Ada sitting beside each other, chatting away. Bela looks shocked by something Ada says.

"Really?" she asks.

"Yup." Ada nods.

"Hey." you walk in and smile at them.

"Hey." Ada beams at you.

"You both having fun?"

"Gosh, mom! Can you stop embarrassing me?" Bela covers her face with her hands.

'Suddenly, I feel so old.'

"Okay, okay!" you raise your hands in the air "You girls want anything to eat?"

"No, mom. We're fine." Bela shakes her head, looking at the ground.

"Okay. Let me know." you smile at Ada. Their silence translates to awkwardness, leaving a sense of weirdness in the ambient air. Bela looks at Ada with her eyes and then, at you.

"Can you please leave us?" Bela looked irritated.

"Hey, be nice." Ada places her palm over Bela's.

"Sorry." Bela looks down, sighs and then looks back at you "Can I help you with anything else?" she asks, sarcastically.

"Yes, dear. Where's Daniela?" 

"Second floor." she says, quickly, wanting you to leave. You smile and nod your head.

"Okay...bye." she says for you.

"Okay, okay. You girls enjoy." you chuckle, leaving Ada and an embarrassed Bela alone. You walk into the kitchen but before you could, you hear the sound of glass breaking. You run in and see Heisenberg covering his ears and squeezing his eyes shut. He opens his eyes and looks in your direction.

"Doahjdkwjkew" he mumbles, holding a slice of coffee cake in his mouth.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak that language." you cross your arms in front of you.

"Don't tell my sister." he removes the slice of cake from his mouth and speaks.

Bela and Ada run into the kitchen. Ada places her hands on her hips. Bela covers her mouth with her hand and giggles.

"Mother's going to be maaaaaadd." she sings and laughs. You roll your eyes and look at Karl. 

"No, no. I'll clean it up. See, I'll show you." he says and starts to pick up the shards of glass. It seemed as if he dropped a glass container of cookies. He picks the shards up and looks at you. You roll your eyes and point at the kitchen counter.

"Leave them there. I'll ask a maiden to clean it up." you shake your head. Karl shoves the piece of cake back into his mouth and collects the remaining shards, as Bela and Ada laugh at him. He gives them a glare and carefully piles the shards onto the counter you pointed at. 

"Ummm..." he chews and looks at his dirty palms and then at you.

"Well, wash your hands!" you point at the sink, irritated that you are now in the position to educate a grown man about what to do. He nods and does as told. He wipes is hands on his coat and looks at you.

"What?" he asks.

"What what? What are you doing?" you place your hands on your hips.

"What? I was hungry."

"You could've asked me- Never mind. Come with me. I'm going to check on Mr. Winters." you beckon him to you. Bela and Ada run out of the kitchen, chasing each other. Karl walks to you after grabbing another slice of the coffee cake from the cake stand.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now