No Need To Say Goodbye

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"Right. Here we are." Chris gets off his horse and walks to yours to help you down. You smile and take his hand. The horses get escorted to the stables by two maidens as you both make your way to the castle. 

"Good call not staying there." he whispers as he pushes the doors open with ease "I don't trust that woman."

"You're not alone in that." you whisper as you both walk in. Suddenly, a swarm of flies appear in front of you. You turn around to make sure the doors are closed before you greet the girls. 

"Um..." Cassandra looks at Bela "You-you're early." 

"Oh, sorry. I didn't think to schedule an appointment to come to my own house." you raise an eyebrow at her "Don't like my presence here anymore, do you?"

"No, it's just..." Cassandra licks her lips "Mother isn't ready yet."

Bela clears her throat and eyes Cassandra. You furrow your eyebrows at her and look at Cassandra again.

"Ready for what?" 

"Um..." she stutters again. Assuming the worst, you brush past them and speed walk upstairs. You hear no one following you so you don't hesitate to huff. 

"Alcina?!" you swing the doors open and shout her name but no one seemed to be in. You frown and walk in slowly-

"Madam Dimitrescu?" 

You speedily turn around and see two maidens standing by the doors.

"Where's Daciana?" your breathing starts to escalate. 

"She's with the child, ma'am." one of the maidens starts to close the doors. You gulp and take a step back.

"Where's Alcina?" you almost whisper. The girls start to take off their clothes. You gulp again and take two steps back. When they undress and show their breasts to you, you scream.


"Yes, my love?"

You turn around and your eyes almost pop out of their sockets. Alcina was stark naked, standing by the bathroom door. She takes a step towards you and rests her arm on the wall, her other hands holds her cigarette holster. 

"May we undress you, Madam?" one of the maidens slowly approaches you and asks in a whispered but seductive tone. You look at her, then back at Alcina.

"Happy birthday." she whispers and smiles. You blink and turn around to face the girl again. You gulp but don't say anything to her as though giving her your permission. She smiles sweetly and closes the distance between the two of you. Her nose was almost touching yours as she gently unzips your dress. She holds the shoulder pads and slowly pulls your dress down. As she does so, she kneels on the floor simultaneously as the dress reaches the ground. She looks at your underwear, back up at you and back at the underwear. The other maiden approaches you as your underwear is being pulled down by maiden number 1. Maiden number 2 gently slides your slip down as she nibbles on your neck. Your eyes move to Alcina. As expected, she was breathing heavily, analysing the girls' actions. When maiden number 2 kisses her way to your cheek, Alcina lifts an eyebrow. You smirk and suddenly grasp her jaw with your fingers, digging your fingernails into her cheek. She winces slightly. You feel yourself getting very hot as you notice Alcina breathing very heavily, as if not wanting you to do what you are going to. 

'Do it.'

Miranda's voice rings in your head.

'Only the black God knows what she has done with that lovely girl while you were away at Donna-'

You pull the girls face to you and kiss her hard, your eyes never leaving Alcina. She takes a sharp intake of breath and clenches her jaw. Her fingernails dig into the wall, making you hornier. You open your mouth, close your eyes as you lustfully kiss the girl. Maiden number 1 seems to take note of her cue and begins to lick your folds. You silently moan into the girl's mouth. She gently runs her hands up from your sides to your arms to gently grip them. You refuse to take your hand away from her jaw, showing her that all you feel for her is lust. Your other hand travels down and grips maiden number 1's head. Her licking picks up pace. You look at Alcina and moan into the girl's mouth.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now