History Lesson- Part Two

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You look around the lavish but familiar hall. The bright red decorative curtains hung from the ceiling like little chandeliers, decorating the hall in a clean fashion. You cross your hands behind you and continuously tap your foot on the ground.

 "He's on his way, sweetheart. Oh, look at your collar!" a strange but beautiful woman walks up to you and tidies your collar. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her shoulder length blonde hair framed her face. She looked like she took good care of herself.

"He's coming?" you ask.

"Yes. Josie told me after I informed her of our arrival." she walks behind you to adjust your skirt and coat.

"Oh, Josie's still here?" you grin and try to look back at her.

"Hmm." she mumbles.

"I have to try and meet her once-"

"To think..." she interrupts you as she comes back to face you "I may be the ex-daughter-in-law but I never thought I'd have to inform anyone of my arrival here. Someone's still sour about the divorce, aren't they?" she smirks as she dusts the non-existent dust off your shoulders.

"You know they are, Mom." you say.

"I know, I know..." she says, irritably, and stands next to you with her hands crossed in front of her. She was wearing a pink skirt suit with black pumps. Her makeup was minimal which made her look even more sophisticated than she portrays herself to be.


"I'm glad to be back here, mom." you smile as you look around at the beautifully decorated large windows.

"Well, don't be too glad." she mutters as she looks down at her dress to see if it's neatly pleated "We're leaving for New York in two days." she sighs and looks ahead.

"Actually, mom..." you look down at your thumbs "I've been wanting to talk to you about that."

"Hurry up, then." she says as she looks around.

"Ummm...I want to stay here in England and finish my studies."

"WHAT?!" your mother looks at you and shouts. Suddenly, you hear the large doors behind you open.

"Pumpkin!" you hear someone shout. You turn around and see an old man in a wheelchair grinning at you as he's being pushed by a familiar face.


You feel a stinging pain in your right temple. You try to open your eyes but a great heaviness sets in on your eyelids. The needle like pain burrows further into your temple. You furrow your eyebrows at the stinging pain but the tiredness and heaviness took over your actions, hindering any voluntary movement. 

"Bear me with a moment longer, darling. The pain will go." you hear Miranda's voice echoing in your ear.

'What the fuck is she doing to me?!' you try to move but your body doesn't respond. Panic starts to settle in. The pain persists for another moment and then completely vanishes. The heaviness starts to lift from your eyes. You move your fingers and feel no resistance. Slowly, you open your eyes. The world is a bit blurry but your eyes start to focus and adjust to the faint white light. You open your eyes fully to find yourself strapped to a metal chair. Your hands are tied up and bolted down on either side of the armrest. You look down and see that your legs are in the same condition. Mustering all your strength, you focus properly.

"Miranda?" you speak up.

"Behind you, dear." Miranda appears from behind the chair and walks in front of you. She crosses her arms and cocks her head to one side as she examines you with a sly smile. You look around and find a passed out Codie lying on a metal slab in one corner of the room.

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