Mother Doesn't Remain

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Miranda stretches her hand and beckons Jonathan to hand her what she asked for, all the while looking at you with a smirk.

"Miranda, please." your voice starts to crack as you beg her.

"Sh Sh Sh, darling..." Miranda runs her palms from your temples to your chin "It will all be over soon. The pain and suffering will end." she smiles, pitifully.

"Miranda, please just kill me." your voice trembles.

"Now, why would I do that?" she cocks her head to one side "That's no fun." she grins.

"Miranda, please-"

"Hush, now." she smiles and extends her hand again. Jonathan readies an injection with a clear but cloudy liquid. Miranda continues to look at you with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Let's see how special you really are." she grins as Jonathan hands her the injection. She squirts some of the liquid out to remove any bubbles and Donna starts to struggle against her restraints.

"Keep your mouth shut if you want to keep your other eye." Miranda gives her a glare and looks at the injection again "Relax, my protege." she looks at you and smirks "This is going to hurt."

She drives the needle into your neck, precisely into your carotids. You feel the liquid flow through as she slowly releases the liquid in. You shut your eyes, awaiting the pain, but you feel none. You feel Miranda remove the needle. You wait a minute and then open your eyes.

"So? How's the pain?" Miranda cocks her head and grins. You furrow your eyebrows and part your lips.

"I...I don't feel anything." 

Miranda raises an eyebrow and smiles "You are special, indeed. Most of my experiments faint. But, here you are." she grins "How intriguing." she turns around and walks to Donna "We'll have a new member joining our family." she looks at Donna and grins "How do you feel about that?"

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Jonathan asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"Of course, I'm sure." Miranda turns her head around and looks at Jonathan, with a smile. Her eyes suddenly dart to the table. She furrows her eyebrows for a moment and completely turns around.

"In a moment..." she walks to her table and moves some papers around "You'll feel a bit dizzy..." she opens her drawers, searching relentlessly for something "That's the..." she turns around and looks at the metal bed Codie was lying on, keeping her frown pasted on her face "Spores of the parasite...sprouting." she looks at her instrument table and walks to it. She opens a few small drawers. You hear the clinking of different glass wares and metal objects as she rummages through the drawers.

"What's wrong?" Jonathan frowns and asks her.

"N-Nothing, I just..." her words trail away as she continues her rummaging.

"Alright, I'll get out of your way." Jonathan rolls his eyes and walks to Donna. He turns around to face Miranda without giving Donna another look. He crosses her hands behind him and sighs.

"Where is it..." Miranda speaks in almost a whisper. She quickly turns around and looks at you, with her hands on her hips. She sighs and smiles "How is the pain?" she asks very hurriedly.

"There's no-"

She turns back around and looks for something. She lets out a frustrated huff and turns around to face you, but her eyes were scanning the room. Her eyes finally land on you and she raises an eyebrow "Special girl you are, indeed." she smirks "I think it's time to wake up the child. I should think he misses his Mama." she chuckles and walks to Codie. The instrument table stood next to his metal bed. She walks up to it and rummages through the drawers again.

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