In Flesh And Blood, Still A Prisoner

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'It's not real. She's not real. Miranda's not real.'

You squeeze your eyes shut breathe heavily.

"Open your mouth, Cina." you hear Miranda say. You hold your breath and open your eyes. Alcina had her mouth wide open and Miranda proceeds to stick her tongue in it. They hold each other and kiss one other with great aggression. They move their heads around in synchrony to intensify the passion.

'It's not real.' you try to reassure yourself but your body seems to be frozen and your eyes were glued on them. Alcina slowly sits up to allow Miranda to wrap her legs around her waist. They continue to kiss as Miranda slowly lifts Alcina's dress. Suddenly, a very long black tentacle extends from Miranda's behind and rams itself into Alcina. Alcina moans and cries out of intense pleasure and ecstasy. As the tentacle is tucked between Miranda's legs, she raises herself to allow Alcina to rock back and forth. 

'She has never moaned like that with me...' your eyes start to tear up.

The tentacle thrusts its way in and out of her. With each thrust, she's seen throwing her head back and moaning in the most sensual manner. She rests her hands on the mattress on either side of her to allow her to rock back and forth. The thrusting starts to increase in pace and suddenly both of them moan in synchrony. Miranda leans in to kiss Alcina as the tentacle slowly wiggles out of her. Suddenly, Alcina's stomach starts to bulge. Both her and Miranda watch in awe as it grows. Miranda crawls down and reaches inside Alcina's dress. Alcina looks at Miranda and moans loudly. Miranda slowly removes her hand from under Alcina's dress and showcases an infant covered in blood. You stare at it wide eyed as it cries. More blood seemed to be dripping from it. You look up at Miranda-

"NO!" you shout as you see Daciana in place of Miranda. She was wearing a long white dress which was starting to turn red in the chest area. She rocks the bleeding baby in her arms as the baby starts to ooze more blood and it collects on Daciana's dress. Your eyes move to Alcina and you see her wearing a wedding dress now. 

"No...Alcina...please look at me..." you choke. Daciana crawls up to Alcina's chest to show her the baby. Alcina beams as she strokes the baby's head. She pulls Daciana in for a kiss. They sloppily kiss each other as the baby starts to dissolve into a pool of blood and collects on Daciana and Alcina's chest. Alcina rips Daciana's dress and licks the blood off her chest. Her tongue slowly makes it's way to Daciana's nipple-

"Hey, Y/N! Open your eyes, please!" Ada's voice was faint. You slowly shut your eyes and continue to listen to the sloppiness of their kissing. 

"Y/N?? FUCK! GO GET JILL!" Ada screams and you hear something fly away. You slowly open your eyes. The bed is empty and neatly made. The drapes were open and the sun was shining through.

"Y/N?? Y/N?? Are you okay??" 

You pant and slowly turn your head to your side to Ada. She looked incredibly concerned. She held your shoulders with the firmness of a bear. You look into her eyes drop your head on her shoulder.

"You're okay. I'm here." she reassures you as she slowly rubs your back. Suddenly, you hear buzzing and three girls materialise next to Ada.

"Hey, what's happened?" Bela holds your shoulders as her sisters look at each other in confusion.

"Okay, let's get her to bed first. Then we can talk." Ada slowly lifts your head up from her shoulder and walks you in Codie's room with the girls behind you. Suddenly, the five of you whip your heads to your right to see a figure standing far away from the bed.

"Donna? What's wrong?" Bela takes a step towards her but Donna stares at you. 

"Something's wrong with her." Ada whispers. You look at her hand and see that she's holding a few yellow flowers.

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