Mad Soldier

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"Get down, Y/N!" Elena pushes you into the little tavern in the ground. 

"She's here! I told you she'd come!" Yvonne jumps in after you and pushes you forward, her cries echoing through the dirty stone walls. Elena and Leonardo jump in after Yvonne.

"Don't stare! Run!" Leonardo shouts at you, startling you a bit. You take a second to gather yourself but before you could make a move, Yvonne pushes you further into the tiny tavern. 

"She's here, Leona-"

"I know, Yvonne! Just keep running!" Leonardo pushes the three of you until you see a small door at the dead end. Leonardo squeezes his way to the front and unlocks the door.

"In!" he nudges his head to the door. You lick your lips and crawl into the darkness that lies ahead. 

"Keep going, Y/N! You'll see light soon enough!" Leonardo shouts and he was right. You could already see a small candle burning in the distance. You grunt and crawl faster to the source of the faint light. As soon as you reach it, you look up. The ceiling was now higher, high enough for you to stand up without bashing your head against the ceiling. You turn around and see Yvonne and Elena crawling to you. They reach you and stand up, closely followed by Leonardo. He quickly moves to one corner and lights the candles and burns the oil lamps that sat there. 

"Everyone alright?" he blows on the matchstick and turns around to the three of you. 

"What do we do, Leonardo? She will find us!" Yvonne cries.

"Yes, I know." he clears his throat and walks to you. He pushes you aside and picks up three dusty blankets.

"If we stayed there any longer..." he hands you a blanket "there wouldn't be time for me to explain Y/N's presence. We would've been mauled by those things." he hands the other two to Elena and Yvonne, respectively. You wrap yourself in the rough blanket and clatter your teeth.

"We should've left when we could. This part of the village is done for. The other part don't even know what happened here!" Yvonne wraps herself in her blanket and speaks very matter-of-factly to Leonardo.

"We're not selfish, Yvonne-"

"Selfish?!" Yvonne interrupts Leonardo "When did caring for my family become selfish, dear?" her eyes begin to well up again. Leonardo sees this and walks to her, putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Sweetheart, imagine what would've happened to Y/N had we moved. Look at Luiza. She's still here." he smiles at her, his eyes soft as a pillow.

"I know but-"

"No buts. We're all together and that's what matters." he leans in and gives Yvonne a forehead kiss-


The wall beside the candles bombards and in comes Miranda.

"Well well well. What a lovely family we have here. Am I interrupting something?" she strides in and smirks at Leonardo.

"Mother Miran-"

"Kneel." she spits, coldly. The three of them bend their heads and kneel immediately. You look at them and then at Miranda, in shock. She looks at you and cocks her head.

"So, you are the little cub I wasn't told abou-" she cuts herself off. She gasps and seemed to widen her eyes "How is this girl in your house?" she whispers.

"S-She came to us, Great Mother. She was lost and we provided her shelter." Leonardo manages to say, still looking at the ground.

"I see. How generous of you." she whispers again. She slowly walks to you and smirks.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now