Jolly Holiday

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Sunshine seeped in through the partially open drapes of the room. Tiredness from last night's extravagant intercourse was still taking over you. You couldn't open your eyes let alone make any movement. You hear two knocks on door.

"Come in." Alcina spoke from behind you. Her arm still acted as your pillow as you continue to lay on it, completely still.

"Hello darling." Alcina spoke again.

"Good morning, mother." it was Cassandra's voice.

You hear rolling of wheels towards Alcina's side of the bed. Alcina takes her arm from around and places it away from you. You really wanted to open your eyes and greet Cassandra but tiredness dominated your body.

"I see the night ended well, mother?"

"Indeed it did, my dear." 

Alcina's arm slightly adjusted from beneath your head but she made sure not to move you. 

'She thinks I'm still asleep.'

"Thank you, Cassandra." Alcina's voice was soft and radiated love.

"Not at all. You both missed breakfast so I thought I'd bring it to you."

Alcina's low giggle makes you smile a little. She seemed to be surprised at Cassandra's actions.

"I'll leave you two." Cassandra begins to walk away from the bed but a slight jerk from under you meant that Alcina moved to hold her hand.

"What is it, dear?"

"Nothing at all, mother."

"Nothing at all? Then why do you seem so low?"

"I'm not low, mother."

"Don't lie to me, dear."

Cassandra seemed to let out a sigh. You slowly regained your energy to open your eyes but you want to eavesdrop. 

"Cassandra, I know you don't like to share me with anyone but you're a big girl now, aren't you?"

'Share me?!'

"I know, mother. I mustn't be so envious but I'm just a little protective, that's all. I mean, she did escape once, didn't see?"

"Come here, my dear."

Alcina shifts a little again. She lets out a sigh and chuckles.

"I know, dear-"

"There's no way of knowing if she'll do it again."

"Don't interrupt me again!" Alcina's voice was cold and lacked luster.

After a short pause, Cassandra spoke again.

"Sorry, mother. I didn't-"

"Know your place." the coldness lingered.

"Yes, mother. I do beg your pardon."

Alcina sighs again and chuckles.

"You're excused." her voice returned to being soft and motherly.

You could hear Cassandra transform into flies and shut the door. Alcina readjusts herself so that your head was resting well on her arm. Your back was to her so even if you'd open your eyes, she wouldn't have noticed. She drapes you again with her hand and sighs.

Mustering courage, you open your eyes and the first thing you see is her well defined, immaculate hands holding a book before you. She seems to be reading it. You squirm a little to let her know that you're finally awake. Alcina peeks down to look at your face and when she sees you looking up at her, she smiles.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now