Target Practice

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"This girl weighs so fucking much..."

The Wong woman throws you over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She jerks and throws you up, intermittently, to shift your weight. She avoids touching your backside but instead, holds your back and legs. You push her shoulder with your hands-

"Tie her hands else I'll just have to cut them off." the Wong woman warns. Your hands are pulled ahead and being tied with a piece of rope, it would seem. You continue to struggle against the rope but the woman threatens.

"Listen, girl. I don't want to do this, too. Just bear with us."

Her voice lacked coldness or cruelty. She seemed to have understood your position so she seemed to be nicer than the woman carrying you. Suddenly, the Wong woman comes to a halt. You turn your head side to side to hear what's going on.

"Did you hear that? It's that buzzing sound again." the Wong woman says.

You shout against the cloth that's around your mouth to call for the daughters but the Wong woman runs ahead. They turn several corners and suddenly, you feel a gust of cold air against your backside. 

"Quick! Run to the crypt!" the girl says. Wong quickens her pace and runs ahead.

"This fucking cold..." she complains. Her hands tighten around your legs and back as she swifts ahead. 

"Duck, duck!" the girl whispers. Wong ducks your head with her hand as the cold begins to subside. She slows her pace and drops you on a seat.

"Fuck this cold..." you hear rubbing of palms and burring. 

"Remove the blindfold." the girl orders. You feel the cloth loosen around your eyes. You slowly open your eyes, allowing it to adjust to the surroundings. The woman who carried you comes around from behind you to look at you. She gives you a look and walks to one of the stone walls. She leans her back on it and blows air into her palms, occasionally rubbing them together to generate heat. 

"Remove the cloth from her mouth." the girl orders again but the Wong woman was just rubbing her palms and blowing into them.


The Wong woman looks up from her palms to the girl and raises an eyebrow. The girl rolls her eyes and walks to you.

"You can scream or shout if you want but no one can hear you from here, okay? I suggest you save your energy." she says while removing the cloth from your mouth. You stretch your mouth to awaken the muscles around it. You sigh and look at the Wong woman. 

"What's your mistress' name?" the girl asks you, pulling your attention away from the Wong woman. You look at the Wong woman again who wasn't paying you any attention but was concentrating on warming her palms.

"I-I...who are you?" you ask the girl.

"The devil." the Wong woman answers and chuckles. She crosses her hands in front of her and smirks at the girl. The girl gives Wong a look and looks back to you.

"Look. The sooner you answer, the sooner we'll let you go. So, I'll ask you again. What's the name of your mistress?"

"L-Lady..." you answer. The girl seems to be non-threatening. She looks at you and waits patiently for an answer.

"I'm going to go and check-"

"Don't you dare, Wong. You're staying here where I can keep my eyes on you." the girl warns. Wong rolls her eyes and looks at you.

"Can you fucking answer the question, already?" Wong seems irritated. Your lack of being loquacious makes her frown. She hits the wall with her fist and walks to you. She holds your head and pulls it closer to her.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now