God's Favourite- Part Two

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The two of you take a quick bath. Alcina dries herself quickly and throws on a bathrobe. You rest your hands on the edge of the pool and float as you watch her sculpted body move with grace and agility. You bite your lip as her bathrobe covers her body but perfectly leaves most of her breasts uncovered for you to marvel at. 

"I could watch you gawking at me all day." she coos as she fastens the rope around her robe.

"Every inch of your body is absolute perfection, Alcina." you grin and continue to fixate your gaze on her partially covered breasts. She throws her head back and lets out the most beautiful laugh as she slicks her wet hair back. 

"Oh, get out of there." she winks at you as she smoothens her wet hair behind her. You bite your lip and rest your chin on the edge of the pool.

"Make me." you purr. She raises an eyebrow and slowly walks to you. She seductively reaches down to you to show you her breasts but before you could ogle long enough to satisfy your hunger for them, she lifts you out of the pool by your hands. She throws you in the air and catches your hips. 

"Ah!" you let out an excited shriek and hold her shoulders as you look down at her. She slowly brings you down to look you directly in the eye and kisses you passionately. You pull away and run your fingers on her lip.

 You pull away and run your fingers on her lip

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She observes your actions carefully. You marvel at the sculpture that she is, every corner of her face seemed to be handcrafted. You have never seen such perfection. You hold her neck and lean in to give it a litany of kisses. She moans and runs her hand all over your back. After a moment, she carries you to the room and helps you dress. 

You tie your hair into a neat bun and fix your dress one last time. Your eyes were mostly on Alcina as you were ogling at her through the mirror. She dresses herself and eyes you. When she catches your eyes on her, she smirks and winks. She walks to you and looks at herself in the mirror.

"Yes, Madam?" she mocks while tidying her hair. You grin and slide your hand underneath her dress. You stroke her smooth thigh as she applies her makeup. You proceed to lift up her skirt and kiss her thigh slowly. She seductively giggles as she strokes your hair with one hand while applying her lipstick with the other. You give her a look, which she catches, and kiss her groin through her underwear. She takes a sharp inhale of breath and rests her hand on the vanity table as her other hand continues to stroke your hair. She lets out a small moan and you pull away immediately.

"What?" she whispers as you let her skirt down and walk towards the bed "Why did you stop?" 

"I don't know." you mock and fold your towel that rested on the foot of the bed "I thought I'll save myself for you. You might want me more after I'm back. The wait might give you something to-"

She suddenly reaches you, picks you up and throws you on the bed. Startled, you sit up and stare at her wide eyed. For the first time in a long time, you see Lady Dimitrescu. She had her hands on her hips as she looks at you with a raised eyebrow. Her strong gaze made it impossible for you to move a muscle. 

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now