Deluge Of Truth

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You wish you'd wake up every morning to the sound of birds chirping and the glorious sunshine. Instead, it was always a dull, grey morning and the sound of the cold breeze hitting the window. You hop out of bed and walk over to the table. You pick up the pencil and draw another small line next to the two other lines you drew. It has been three days since the lady locked you up in your room. You let out a frustrated huff. The familiar scent of rose and lavender still lingered in your room, as it did everyday, which would soon fade as noon arrives. You turn around and look at your nightstand. There it is, again.


You walk over and down the glass of grape juice into your mouth. You sit on your bed and wait for the maidens to come in and deliver your breakfast.

As usual, one maiden would arrive to deliver your meals and quickly leave, locking the door behind her. You don't even bother asking them questions anymore. By the way they acted, you were sure that they were given strict instructions to not speak to you. You roll your eyes at the thought. 

'Why is she doing this? I mean, I didn't do anything!'

You let out a grunt. You walk over to the table and sit down to eat your lunch. You wished that the lady would come and visit so that you could explain to her that none of what happened was your fault. At this point, you are desperate to see her again. She sent no word through the maidens. Therefore, you don't have the slightest idea as to what she's doing. 

You put the fork down and walk over to the bathroom. You turn on the tap and water starts to flow into the tub, briskly. You hop in and close your eyes. After what seemed like a good amount of time, you get out and dry yourself. You enter your bedroom and wear a long skirt and a blouse.

'Let's wait for absolutely nothing new to happen. Again.'


You continue to watch the sun set. It was the only thing that calmed your irritable heart. The bright orange pierced through the clouds and spread itself onto the roof of the castle. It was such a beautiful sight. 

Suddenly, you start to feel melancholic. The isolation has left you very irritable. You look down at your thumbs and start to feel tears drop from your eyes. 

You hear the sound of the door unlocking. You let out a huff and turn around.


"Shut your damn mouth! I'm not supposed to be here. I came to check on you and bring you your dinner."

Your eyes fill with tears as you run to her. What a sight for sore eyes. As she sees you running towards her, she quickly enters and shuts the door behind her. You embrace her tightly. You couldn't have been happier.

"Oh, let me go, you mush!" she exclaimed, sarcastically. You slowly let go of her but didn't increase the distance between you both. She starts walking to your table and places the dinner on it. You follow closely behind her. 

"I'm so glad to see you, Emilia. I just needed to see a familiar face."

"Well, I'm glad you're glad. This little meeting has cost me an arm and a leg. I had to beg Andrea to let me see you and bring you your dinner." she smiles softly and cups your face "How are you, Y/N? Margaretta, Diana and I were so worried." her eyes fill with tears. You can't bear to see her like this. You quickly close the distance and hug her again. This time, she returns it. 

She releases you from the hug and holds your elbows, making you wince. Her eyebrows furrow and she looks down at your left elbow "What are these red dots?" she asks while carefully examining them. "I don't know. But a new one appears every morning." you reply. She brings her head closer to the site of the red dots "Looks like insect bite marks. You better check your bed for bugs." she releases your arm.

You both walk to your bed and sit down. You have so many questions but where to start?

"Y/N, what was that little engagement between you and Mother Miranda in the meeting hall?"

"Oh..Uhm...I don't really know I-"

"She never talks to the maidens, let alone help one." she cuts you off.

'Oh, she's talking about the teapot incident.'

"She seemed to know your name, too. Have you met her before?" she asks you. She was eyeing you, suspiciously.

"No. Actually, Mother Miranda gave me to the lady. I think she rescued me that day." you try your best to manipulate the truth. She continues to eye you but eventually gives up and looks down at her palms. You take this opportunity and ask her "H-How is lady Dimitrescu?"

She slowly looks back up at you. You think you see a bit of suspicion in her eyes but it gets replaced by disappointment. She scoots in a little closer to you and grips your chin with her palm "Listen to me, Y/N. Just because the lady pleasures you one time, doesn't mean she is interested in you. She views all of us as nothing but tiny, walking blood bags. She can turn on you at any second and finish you off, in a jiff. The very fact that she's kept you alive this long has raised a few eyebrows." her tone radiated a sense of dour "When the maidens saw you being dragged by the lady three days ago, they figured you would visit the dungeons. But what do I hear from Irina? I hear that the lady dragged you to your room, instead. Now, why would the ruthless lady Dimitrescu, bestow mercy on a simple, wayward maiden, hmm?" she asked in a sarcastic tone and furrowed eyebrows.

You can feel the anger radiating from her. You just kept your mouth shut when you realised that the question was a rhetorical one.

"It's becaaaauuuseee.." she continued "She has planned something very severe for you. She has fed you properly for three days to sweeten your blood. She will come in any minute, or send her daughters to retrieve you. She will then proceed to drain your blood and that will be the end of you, Y/N. It is the only plausible explanation." her palms were still gripping your chin, tightly.

When she sees your eyes fill with tears, she sighs and her eyes soften "Now, listen to me. When the lady comes for you, beg for her mercy. Beg until your energy reserves are drained empty and, if you're lucky enough, she might spare your life." she finishes. Her eyes immediately look down . She looks like she feels terrible about what she said. Her words leave you in a state of shock and because of that, you aren't able to utter a single word, let alone move.

She lets go of your chin and looks back up at you. Her eyes were filled with sorrow "You haven't been here very long, Y/N. Margaretta and I have had to hear our fellow maidens being tortured. Their screams still haunt me." she lets out a sigh and looks at her palms. A single tear drop falls on it "And tonight, those two little girls, Nicoletta and Olivia, will face the wrath of the lady and her daughters. I overheard their conversation while mopping the floors and I don't think they plan on being gentle."

She looks at the clock "Mother Miranda, is that the time?! I have to leave! Andrea said five minutes and I've been here for ten!" she quickly gets up and picks up the dirty plate from your table.

You realise that she's leaving so you grab her arm "Emilia, you have to get me out! We have to save those two girls!" you feel a sense of responsibility for them. They are so young and you have just about had it with the lady and her ridiculousness.

"I cannot do that, Y/N! They are being punished for their stupidity! Even if you pray to Mother Miranda, their fate will remain ineludible!" she yanks her arm away from your grip and pushes you to the ground. She uses this opportunity to run to the door and lock it behind her. 

You were just about to reach the door when you hear it lock.

"AAAARGHHH!" you pound your fists against the door. You try to pull on the door handle but in vain. 

"Emilia!" you scream "Please! You have to help me!" you continue to pound your fists against the door. You start crying and place your palms on your face to cover it. 

Suddenly, you hear the door unlock. You look up from your palms and open the door. To your absolute surprise, it opens. You peep out to find Emilia but she is nowhere to be seen.


You scan the area one last time and run out of your room.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now