When Will We Meet Again, Sweetheart

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You woke at the break of dawn. You immediately sat up and pulled your knees close to you, hugging them. You look to the window. It seemed to look less cold today. You pull the bedsheets from you and start to stand up, when you notice a glass on the nightstand.


You downed the grape juice quickly. You were parched and the juice seemed to quench your thirst. You get up to find yourself draped in a robe. 'Andrea must've visited me.' you presume and make your way to the bathroom to do your business. 

You had ample time until your shift. 'Maybe I could try my hand at escaping one more time.'

You changed into a blouse and a skirt, which sat in the cupboard, gathering dust. You throw on the maidens jacket to keep you warm, just in case the blizzard decides to make an entrance. You open your room door and leave, shutting it behind you.

Your eyes are sharp due to the juice. You look around to watch for any sign of movement. The halls now seem a bit familiar to you. You take a few quick turns and find yourself in front of a little room. 

'This isn't the big door.' you grunt. An odd stench caught your attention. It was coming from behind the door. You slowly, but carefully, open it and enter. Nothing in here seems out of the ordinary. Your eyes wander around and you see several wine bottles. The crimson red colour catches your keen eyes and you walk towards it. The stench was still in the room but you couldn't find the source. Your eyes dart to your right and see a huge painting of a woman on the wall. She was holding a wine glass in one hand and her other hand rested on her waist. You had a faint idea of who this could be.

'Stop staring! You need to leave.' you said to yourself and turned around. Right then, a bottle rolled to your feet. You look towards the direction from where it came. A large bookcase covered half of the wall but there was a space between the two.

You carefully walk towards the bookcase. You had a hunch that something would go wrong but you moved on. Your heart was in your throat when you reached the bookcase. You looked behind it. The stench started to grow stronger.

You were surprised to see two girls lying down, their arms over each other. You covered your nostrils as you discovered the source of the stench. The girls seem to be sleeping but their heads were shadowed in the darkness.

With one of your hand still covering your nostrils, you reach down and pat their backs to wake them up. 

"Mother Miranda?" one girl sat up and you could see vomit covering her mouth.

"Are you...lying in vomit?" you asked in disgust, your hand still covering your nostrils.

The girl started giggling. She couldn't be more than thirteen years old. She started to rub her nose aggressively and giggled again. This made the other girl sit up and look at you, trying to place who you are. She looked back at the laughing girl and laughed with her. Both of them seemed to be around the same age. They were sitting in their vomit. 

You got a bit closer to them and released your hand from your nose to help them up. They smelt of alcohol. You put your hands back on your nose and tightly grip one girl. You tried to yank her up but she stumbled and fell. 

"Whooooaaaaaahhh...." she said before bursting out in a fit of laughter. The other girl laughed even harder and started hitting her thigh. Her other hand slipped on the vomit, making her fall sideways, back onto the disgusting liquid. In the process, she seemed to have pushed another bottle towards the wall, making a sound. You get up to inspect it and you see two more bottles near the two girls.

"What on Earth made you both decide that drinking three bottles of wine would be a very good way to start the morning?!" you scolded, quietly. "But it's Nicoletta's birthday todaaaaayyyyyyy..." the other girls voice trailed off as she feel on the floor and started to snore. The birthday girl was snoring too which started to make you angry.

'How come whenever I try to leave this wretched castle, someone comes to place responsibilities on my shoulders!' you complained, mentally.

"Get up, girls. I'll help you up. That's it...come on." They were both on their feet but if you let go of them, they would fall again. You moved away from the bookcase to open the door.

You heard the clicking of heels approaching the door. Fear ran through your entire body. 

"Shush! Don't make a sound or Mother Miranda will hear you!" the blonde, Nicoletta, whispered to you with her index finger on her lips. The other girl started giggling. 

You had to think fast. You dragged them and hid them inside a cupboard "Both of you, shut your mouths. Whatever happens, do not make a sound. Understood?" you demanded. In return, the girls leaned against the hard wood back of the cupboard and looked at each other, with an index finger on their lips as if telling one another to keep quiet.

You close the cupboard doors and run towards the door when it swung open. 

Lady Dimitrescu ducked and entered gracefully and stood before you. She glared at you and held your jaw "What are you doing here?!" she asked, relatively softly "And what is that stench?" she continued as she furrowed her eyebrows. 

"Well, my lady. You see I was just-" your words were cut off as rumbling could be heard coming from the cupboard. Lady Dimitrescu's eyes darted to the cupboard in confusion. Suddenly the doors swung open and the two girls stumbled onto the floor. Nicoletta started to projectile vomit all over the floor which made the other girl laugh. You closed your eyes and prepared yourself to face the wrath of the tall woman. The two girls took notice of her and immediately stood up "Lady Domidrissgu..." the other girl began to explain herself but stopped.

The lady tightened her grip around your jaw and spoke in a very harsh tone "What is your part in this?" she asked "I let you into my chambers and you think that gives you the right to touch my property?!" she screams. She slapped you hard and you fell on the floor. You started to feel a metallic taste in your mouth. The whole left side of your face was numb. The two girls gasp as the lady grabs you by your neck and raises you up to meet her eyes. Her eyes blazed like vermilion coal. 

Right then, you hear someone running into the room. It was Andrea.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now