Spare A Maiden

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Margaretta continues to wash your wound while the other maidens stare at you. Your eyes wander around the room, judging everyone's expression which remain to be the same. You start to get annoyed but Margaretta pulls your arm closer to her "Stay still! We do not want any more accidents here. Your life is hanging by a thread, as it is." Her voice was dominating. She sounded genuinely pissed. "But I didn't do anything! That ginger was the one-" "Lower your voice, you imbecile!" Margaretta pulled you closer to her. Her eyes had a tinge of redness to them. Your anger continued to rise. 'Why are they blaming me? I didn't even do anything!' You looked down and closed your eyes to calm your destructive temper. Right then, Margaretta let out a huge sigh, she stopped touching your wound. You looked at her but she didn't say anything. She started to wring the cloth to remove the blood. "Looks like your arm hit a nail." Diana spoke to you. She raised her hand to touch your shoulder but lowered it back down to her side. "What a shame. Another fully functional maiden will be sent to the dungeons again." Emilia said, looking down at the wound.

"Emilia, will you shut your good-for-nothing, trash covered mouth for once?" Margaretta ordered. Emilia's eyes started to widen but before she could protest, you heard a familiar voice speaking sentences in the dining hall. It was Andrea. It sounded like she was pleading. After a long pause, the chairs started to make a sound. You didn't dare to go look at what was happening. You heard clicking of heels leaving the dining room and four maidens rushed out of the kitchen and into the dining room. 

Andrea entered the kitchen. She was panting a little. Her eyes scanned the kitchen and you knew, sure enough, that she was looking for you. Once her eyes landed on you, she sprinted towards you and grabbed you by your arms "What on Earth were you thinking?!" she continued to shake you back and forth.

Emilia and Diana quickly held Andreas arms but her grip didn't loosen. "She didn't do anything!" Diana started to speak. Both her and Emilia were trying their best to get Andrea off of you. "Daniela decided to pull a prank on her! All it did was anger the Lady!" Emilia continued for Diana. Suddenly, Andrea let go off you. She shrugged and Emilia and Diana slowly let go of Andrea. "Is this true, Margaretta?" Andrea's eyes moved to meet Margaretta's. You looked back her to find Margaretta nodding vigorously. Andrea, satisfied with the answer, sighed and placed her palms on her face. She looked up at you and then turned around to face the other maidens.

"Get back to work. I don't want to find any of you babbling to each other!" Andrea watched as the maidens left the room. The four maidens who had left the kitchen earlier, arrived with the dirty dishes. They handed them over to Margaretta and she began washing them. Andrea turned to look at you and said "Listen to me, girl. You haven't the faintest idea as to what Lady Dimitrescu is capable of doing." her voice was a mere whisper. "You do not want to get on her bad side, trust me." she said, her eyes now full of concern. She turned around and left.

You looked at Margaretta who didn't want to seem to make any eye contact with you. Emilia chimed in and said "Let's get back to work, Y/N. If any of the daughters decide to pull another prank on you, Diana and I will take care of the mess." her sarcastic tone was nowhere to be heard. It was conquered by a tone so serious, it sounded odd coming from a girl like Emilia.

Diana gave you a pat on your back and hurried out of the kitchen. Emilia held you by your arm lead you out of the kitchen, as well.


A long time had passed. Your heart had gone back to beating at its regular rhythm. You had dusted the entire first floor, along with Emilia. You were tired beyond measure. You looked at your piece of paper. To your relief, you saw that there was one more task at hand. You turned around to look at Emilia who was busy polishing a candle stand. "Tell me when you're done, Emilia. I have another task to do. After which, we can go over to the places we've cleaned to make sure the daughters haven't made a mess." "Sure!" Emilia said with a smile. "I'm almost done aaand.....there!" she let out a huge sigh and placed the candle stand back on the table. She turned back to you and sighed once again "Where to next?" she asked but before you could reply a hand fell on your shoulder. You turned around to see Andrea smiling at you. "Emilia, you go about your business." Emilia nodded, gave me a cautious look and scampered away. You turned back to look at Andrea, whose palm was still on your shoulder. "Excuse my ignorant behaviour earlier." her eyes softened. "Lady Dimitrescu can be....unpredictable. She won't bat an eyelash before killing anyone. I have noticed a number of deaths happen right before my very eyes." she was now looking down. You could see the pain in her lowered eyes. When she didn't hear a reply from you, she looked back up at you and continued "Take the rest of the day off. I will see to it that your chores are done." she gave you a warm smile.

She pulled out a map from her pocket and handed it to you. It showed you the way around this part of the castle. Some of the areas were crossed off indicating that entrance is prohibited. Andrea gave you one last smile and left you alone. 

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now