An Unfair Consequence

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"Andrea." the lady's voice was low. She was still staring at you "Take the girls and get out." she commanded.

"B-but, my lady-"

"NOW!" Lady Dimitrescu's eyes widen as she continues to glare at you.

You could feel your breath shorten as you start to feel light headed. The lack of air makes you see two of the tall woman. Your eyes start to roll back but the lady takes quick notice of this. With three long steps, she slams you against the wall. The impact was enough to wake you up. 

You look to Andrea, who was helping the girls stand up, for assistance. But she was not bold enough to defy her mistress' command a second time. As if trained to react cordially under pressured circumstances, Andrea was quick to drag the girls out of the room. She even managed to shut the door behind her, leaving you and the lady alone.

"Were you helping them?" the lady looked a tad bit disappointed.

You look back into her eyes. She is less angry now which made you calm down a bit. She still held your throat with one hand but her other was to her side. You didn't dare to speak.

Her grip around your neck started to tighten. She now bared her teeth at you.

"Were you...helping them?" 

Your hand went up to hers to help loosen the grip. The lady's eyes soften as her hand starts to slowly let go of your neck but it remained there, keeping you floating in mid air. Your eyes start to tear up. You manage to shake your head and mouth a "No.".

Her other hand moved from her side to your stomach, pushing you further against the wall.

"You will pay." and with that, she drastically tightens her grip around your neck, cutting off the air supply. Suddenly, everything around you goes dark.


When you finally manage to wake up, you notice that your feet still aren't touching the ground. You are farther up now than before. The only development is the surroundings. You seem to recognize it. It is the lady's chambers. As panic starts to settle in, you look up at your hands. They seem to be tied to two chains, suspending you from the ceiling. You look around and you notice the lady. She was facing the window, smoking her handy cigarette. She seems to be deep in thought. Her eyebrows start to furrow as if she remembers something that disappointed her. She starts to get more irritable and begins to pout. It was enough to make you nimble. 

You let out a huff which makes the lady turn to you. Her eyes are soft but there is a hint of anger in them. She wasn't smiling or pouting anymore. She releases her other hand from her hip and brings it back down. She moves to her vanity and places her still burning cigarette on it. She looks at you again, admiring your current position. She gracefully glides towards you, until her body is just an inch from yours. 

For the first time in your life, you were taller than the tallest person you have come across. The lady was looking up at you. Despite your vulnerable and painful state of affairs, her beauty took your breath away. She looked stunning from this angle. Without your permission, your eyes lower to admire her breasts. They are something, indeed.

"Like what you see?" the lady's words make you raise your eyes to meet hers. Her eyes look playful, as if teasing you. 

"Now, my dear. For your punishment." her hands start to caress your feet. Her fingers start to massage them, gently. 

'I wish she would take those gloves off.' you thought to yourself.

She looks down at her caressing palms and moves them up your legs and as she reached your knees from under your skirt, she speaks again.

"What should we do with you, hmm?" her eyes meet yours again. You let out a silent moan, making you raise and drop your chest. The lady raises an eyebrow and smirks at you. You quickly latch on to the fact that the lady takes great pleasure in pleasuring you. Her thumb starts to caress your knees as she waits for your answer.

"My lady, I didn't do anything. They are as young as they come and they tend to do stupid things. It is the vomiting girl's birthday today and they wanted to celebrate by performing that shenanigan. I was just trying to get them out of trouble-" you immediately bite your words. That last sentence could get you into another inconvenience.

"What a lovely anecdote. But my question is completely irrelevant to your explanation." her smirk starts to fade. Her hands are still caressing your knees from under your skirt.

"But I didn't do anything." you whispered in a tone almost begging to be spared.

Her hands grasp your thighs. She moves closer to you. Your lips were almost touching her nose. Your breath quickly picks up the pace. 

"Didn't do anything?" she raises her eyebrows while staring into your eyes, lustfully.

"You think your little farce with my oldest hasn't come to my attention?" the lust in her eyes is now replaced with resentment. 

'But who?....Daniela.' you realise. She's the only one immature enough to rat out her sister. 

'Or that immaturity she showcased could be a false trail. She did lure me into Bela's trap.' 

The lady's left hand moves to your back and starts to caress it. You suddenly feel sharp sets of stings as you realise that she is scratching your back.

'With her leather covered fingers? How-'

Your doubt is interrupted as she moves her right hand from your right thigh to your underwear. You open your mouth to moan. This makes the lady's eyes twinkle with excitement and moves her fingers inside your underwear. Her fingers start to massage your clitoris, gently.

A few moans escape your lips. In response to the pleasure, you place your right leg over her massaging hand. The lady begins to grin and quickens her pace. 

A slightly louder moan leaves your mouth as you tilt your head back and close your eyes in pleasure. She slides a finger in you making you whimper in pleasure. She starts to slide them in and out of you quickly, hoping to get more moans out of you. It worked as your moans start to grow louder. 

Suddenly, you feel the need to arch your back as you climax and come undone on her finger. She helps you ride out your orgasm and removes her finger out of you. The lady immediately puts the same finger in her mouth to taste you and groans in satisfaction, as if your taste satiated something in her.

You observe her with confusion and delectation. Your breath is still hard and fast but you feel a surge of happiness.

'This is her idea of a punishment?'

She places both her hands back on your thighs. As she rubs them, she licks her lips and smirks.

"I love how you moan." she whispers. Her lips reach yours to give you a kiss.


I deeply apologize for my absence. There was a tad bit of work that needed my immediate attention. To make up for not posting a chapter yesterday, I will post two today (or more idk.).

Thank you for your precious time, darlings.

See you later.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now