Business Partner- Part One

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"Sit." the older woman orders. You frown and sit on the dining chair. The young girl, who answered the door, continues to look at you with great interest.

"Tell me..." the woman brings a large dish and places it at the centre of the table "What brings a lonely traveler, such as yourself, to our village?" she sits by you and frowns.

"Oh, I...I was just traveling, you see. I got lost somewhere near the mountains and then I stumbled upon-"

"You're lying." she growls "Tell the truth!"

"I-I'm not lying-"

She bangs her fist on the table and glares at you "I know a liar when I see one! Now, get out of my house!"

"Mother, please! It's not safe out there!" the girl protests.

"I won't risk my house, Elena. You, get out!"

You begin to plead but you hear stomping of boots in the distance "What's going on?" a man speaks. He walks into the hall and makes himself visible.

"Who is this?" he frowns at you.

"My name is Y/N-"

"And Y/N is intruding." the woman finishes your sentence.

"Yet, you let her enter?" the man smiles at the woman with a raised eyebrow, as if mocking her. The girl looks down and smiles at his remark.

"You must be lost." he walks to the chair by the girl and sits down, smiling at you.

"Yes. I'm sorry for the intrusion."

He waves his hand and scoops some of, what looked like soup, into a bowl "My name is Leonardo. This is my daughter, Elena and my wife, Yvonne." he gives the bowl to Elena and she, in turn, passes it to you "And this..." he gestures to the entire room "is our humble home...into which, you are welcome." he smiles.

"Thank you." you smile.

"Humph." Yvonne grunts and crosses her arms in front of her.

"Come now, Yvonne..." he says to his wife as he scoops ladles of the soup into another bowl "When have we ever turned away someone who needs help?"

"Ever since those...THINGS ravaged our entire village!" she exclaims and takes the bowl from him.

"We have prayed, sweetheart. And she will listen to our prayers. She always has." he smiles at her and fills up another bowl for Elena.

"I'm tired of praying, Leonardo." Yvonne looks down at her bowl and sighs "I'm afraid she has deserted us."

"Don't you dare say that!" Leonardo raises his voice amidst filling his bowl "She is our priestess! The mighty one!"

Yvonne gives him a look and then looks at Elena. She makes eye contact with her mother and dips her spoon into her soup.

"Who is the priestess?" you ask.

"That's none of your business, is it?" Yvonne spits while looking at her bowl.

"Yvonne..." Leonardo warns, sweetly. He looks at you and smiles "Let us pray." 

Elena extends her hand for you to take it. You hesitate for a moment but her welcoming smile sways you. You smile and take her hand. Yvonne rolls her eyes and extends her arm to you, without looking at you. You gulp and touch her hand and she grips it. Leonardo does the same, linking his hands with his wife's and daughter's. They close their eyes and Leonardo clears his throat.


A loud gunshot could be heard from outside, making everyone look in the direction of the sound. It seems the gun was shot at the house, which made a hole in one of the paper thin walls, letting in a ray of light.

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