Always A Bone

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You awake to the familiar feel of your bedsheets. You start to caress the fabric and smile softly. You try your best to open your eyes but manage to open them only half way. Right by the bed, you see a figure sitting on the chair. As if the figure notices you waking up, they get up to leave. The sun rays fall of them and you realise that it is lady Dimitrescu. Her beautiful white gown glistened, as it reflected the sunlight. She starts to glide from the chair to the door.

"Are you here every morning?" your words stop her movements. You sit up and turn towards her and squint to get a better view of her. She turns around from the direction of the door, to you. She was holding a book in her hand. In response to your question, she gives you only a smile.

"You have a lovely smell. It was my only company for three days. I love waking up to it." you give her a small smile, as you finally open one eye fully. She has now turned around to face you. She beams a large and radiant smile at you.

"I thought..." she stops and shortens her smile "It is my responsibility."

Your heart aches a little when she said "responsibility". You expected a more intimate or amorous response. She turns around to leave but you stop her again.

"Wait!...Won't you stay for a while?"

She turns around to look at you. She seems very afraid to approach you. You've noticed this an ample number of times. It is your words that seem to give her permission. A nudge. She walks to you and kneels down in front of you. You are at eye level with her. She places her book beside you and puts her hands on your knees. She raises your slip slightly as her hands move from your knees to your mid thighs, all while looking directly into your eyes. You place your hands on hers and she smiles. She leans closer to you and gives you a long and fervent kiss.

"Well, good morning to you, too." you say, as she pulls away, making her throw her head back and chuckle. Looking at her vivacious actions, you let out a chuckle, too. She looks at you, again, keeping her lovely smile plastered on her lips.

She leans in again and rubs her nose against yours. Your heart flutters at this tear jerking display of fondness. She brushes her lips against yours. 

"I'm afraid I will hurt you, dear." she whispers.

"You can never hurt me."

She raises her hand to meet the side of your head. You haven't noticed that your wound has been dressed. Her eyes meet the bandage and then look back at you "Then, what would you call this?"

You take in a deep breath and let it out "An accident."

You both lose it as you're caught in the net of incessant laughter. She shakes her head and grins at you "I have never laid eyes on something lovelier than you." she whispers.

"Have you seen yourself in the mirror, my lady?"

She rolls her eyes and chuckles at your comment. "Incorrigible." she says and grins. She meets your neck with her lips and gives it a kiss, before letting a little space to fill in between the two of you. You look to your nightstand and spot the familiar glass of grape juice.

"Now, where did that materialize from?" you ask her in a sarcastic tone. She looks to the nightstand and shakes her head again. She picks up the glass and hands it to "Maybe a little birdie brought it in." she mirrors your sarcasm, before planting a kiss on your lips. You take the glass from her and start to drink the juice. As you raise your head, her hand brushes your neck. She leans in and kisses your neck, as you slowly sip the juice. You empty the juice into your mouth and she takes the glass from you.

"Can you take your gloves off, my lady?"

She hesitates a bit but removes them, slowly. She places them by her book and puts her hands on your thighs, that's still covered by your slip. Even against the fabric, her hands feel cold. She is watching your every expression, ardently. You let out a breath of air and touch her palms. They're as cold as the weather outside but as soft as a feather. You pick up her right palm and place it on your cheek. You close your eyes and take in her touch.

"Please don't withdraw yourself from me." you speak softly. Your eyes open to look at her again, her palm still placed on your cheek "Your closeness gives me strength." you smile.

She smiles at you, fondly, and kisses your forehead "You don't know me, my dear. I'm not as kind as I seem." her eyes look sad. She immediately looks down and then back up at you. She gets up and puts her gloves back on. She picks up her book and heads to the door. Your eyes can't keep them off of her. You open your mouth to thank her.

"Thank you for your benevolence-"


Your smile widens. Her name was a melody coming out of her mouth.

"Alcina." you repeat after her.

"Only privately, my dear." she smiles and leaves the room.

Tears of joy drop down from your eyes. You were so glad to finally be able to open her up.


With a smile still plastered on your face, you enter the kitchen to see the familiar bustling of maidens, trying to get breakfast ready. You walk forward and spot Emilia and Margaretta.

"Y/N!" Margaretta exclaimed, when she saw you. She ran towards you and pulled you in for a hug. You hugged her back and opened your eyes to meet Emilia's. She was slowly walking towards you. She looked guilt ridden. You refuse to let anger and resentment take over you. You smiled at her and she smiled back. Margaretta pulled herself away from you and scanned your face. She noticed the bandage and ran her fingers over it "Well, thank Mother Miranda you're still with us." she said, sadly. You smile back at her. She lets go of you and goes back to her work, as does Emilia. You let out a huff to release the discomfort from your body.

"Enjoyed the night with the mistress?" the voice came from behind you. You turn around to see Andrea. She didn't seem happy to see you at all. Her face looked curt and her voice was even more so.


"She throws you against the wall, lets you hover from the ceiling and you still choose to be affectionate towards her. Pathetic." her voice was incredibly cold "What else will you let her do, hmm? Fuck your brains out until you can't speak? I wouldn't be surprised." she smirks, coldly.

She has the right to be angry with you because she gets you out of trouble whenever you find yourself in an unfortunate situation. But she has no right to talk to you this way.

"Andrea, I-"

"Enough. Finish your chores. Know your place here, maiden." she turns around and leaves the kitchen.

'It's alright. She helped me when I needed it. I'll let her have this one.' 

"Hey, Diana." you touch her shoulders. She turns around and stares at you, wide eyed. Before you know it, she has pulled you in for a tight hug. You hug her back. She pulls away and smiles. She doesn't say a word. She goes back to plating the food and you help her out, in silence.


Three maidens come back with the dirty plates and hand them over to Margaretta. You hurry over to help dry them. The fourth maiden steps in from the dining room and walks over to you.

"The mistress has requested another glass of wine and you are asked to bring it to her." she announces, making the other maidens stare at you in confusion. 

'She only wants to see me.' you realise, as you walk over to the pitcher of wine and pour some of it into a glass. You feel the eyes of the maidens still on you but they move on to finish the cleaning. As you go over to the door, you hear someone enter the dining hall. 

"Alcina." it was Miranda's voice. The other maidens scamper and arrange themselves into a line. Miranda couldn't see them, anyway. There was pin drop silence in the kitchen. You turn around to see the maidens looking at the ground. They didn't move an inch. You weren't sure if you should deliver the wine just yet but turn back to grab another glass for Miranda. You pick up the two glass of wine and walk into the dining room.

Alcina was standing up. She looked surprised at Miranda's uninvited visit. You walk slowly towards them and Miranda sees you. Her mouth opens widely as her eyes fall on the bandage. 

"Y/N!" she shouts. She rips her mask right off and throws it on the ground. She runs towards you and cups your face. Her eyes didn't leave the dressing. She looks into your eyes with great sadness. She turns around to face Alcina.


The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now