Meet And Greet

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"Up you get, sleepy head!" Heisenberg shakes you awake.

"Okay, okay. I'm up." you rub the sleep from your eyes and yawn "What time is it?" you stretch your hands and legs and crack your neck.

"Half past two. Want something to eat?" Heisenberg walks to the door and holds the doorknob.

"You cook?" you ask, sarcastically, as you stand up and crack your back.

"Very funny." he rolls his eyes and opens the door "Come. Those two are getting impatient." he walks out and you follow him.

"Any word from Alcina?"

"Yes. She'll wait for us in the crypt." he takes you through and corridor to the room you were in yesterday "She wanted me to bring you to the castle but I'm not about to risk my life. She wouldn't meet us here for the same reason. So, the crypt it is. After you." he allows you to enter the room before him. 

"Ah! The girl is awake!" Ada sings. You roll your eyes and sit down on the chair Heisenberg sets out for you. He brings you a can and hands it to you.

'Peas? Better than nothing, I guess.' you take a spoon from Jill and mix the peas mixture "When is she meeting us?"

"Half an hour. Now, pay attention. We have to finalize the plan." Jill answers and sits down on a stool.

"Are you sure we can trust her?" Ada whispers to Heisenberg, loud enough to reach your ears.

"I don't even know if I can trust YOU." he replies. She rolls her eyes and sits down next to Jill, placing one leg over the other.

"It's not like you have a choice-"

"Alright, enough." Jill cuts off a mumbling Ada "So, Y/N. Dimitrescu will meet us at the crypt. You will go in with Heisenberg. He will try to convince her that you were wandering about and lost your way. He came to the rescue and so on. Just agree with whatever he says. Ada and I will wait outside, away from any prying eyes. In case you a feeling that things are about to go down south, just call out to me and we'll get you out. Got it?"

"Mhm." you shove a spoonful of the disgusting peas mixture in your mouth and nod your head.

"Good. You remember your lines?" she asks Heisenberg.

"Yes, ma'am." 

"What are my lines?" Ada mocks Jill's tone.

"Not funny, Ada." Jill warns. Ada rolls her eyes and walks over to the cupboard.

"Mind if I have some?" she asks Heisenberg.

"It's two in the afternoon..." he frowns.

"So? Your company gives me a headache." she opens the cupboard and brings out a bottle of whiskey and a glass "Y'all won't have any, right?"

The three of you shake your head and Jill massages her temples "Make it quick. I don't want to be responsible for your drunk ass. Have only one."

Ada pours a little into the glass and drinks it whole in one go. You finish the last bit of your peas and Heisenberg takes the empty can from you "Ready?" he asks everyone. The three of you nod, making Heisenberg smirk "Alright! Let's go joyriding!" he opens the door and walks out of the room, closely followed by Jill. Ada pours herself another serving.

"Ada..." you warn but she looks at you and smirks.

"One for the road." she winks and chugs the drink. She pulls a face and places a hand on your back "Let's get this over with." she mumbles and leads you out of the door.


Heisenberg readies his horse, taking a few weapons with him. He and Jill were discussing quietly as Ada stands beside you.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now