Envy Thy Neighbour- Part One

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Two knocks fall on the doors causing Alcina to turn her attention from you.

"Yes, enter." 

Cocky Maria peeps in with raised eyebrows and walks into the room.

"The Samca are tamed, my lady." 

"Good. Right, Maria. I want you to write letters to the maidens. They are to report here within two days. I'll come and sign them. Write a special one for Andrea. I need her back." she orders Maria. Maria nods her head and curtsy's to Alcina. She gives you a look.

"Madam Dimitrescu." she acknowledges you and runs out. Alcina looks at you again and smiles.

"I don't know how you can still trust her after everything I told you, Alcina."

"Baby, I have something special planned for her. Don't you worry." she takes your leg and massages it. She cracks your toes, which makes you wince and kisses each one. 

"Do you want to sleep for a while? I have some work. I'll wake you up for dinner." Alcina rubs her cheek against your foot.

"Okay." you smile.

"Okay." she coos and leans in to kiss you. After that, she gets up and changes into her undies and then her lovely silk dress. She puts on a bit of lipstick, her hat and her gloves. She turns around and smiles at you.

"I'll see you in a couple of hours." she gives you an air kiss and leaves the room to let you sleep.


Alcina's POV-

The letters were well written. I rummage through them to find Andrea's. I write a little post script requesting her urgent and immediate attendance. I begin to sign all of the letters when I hear knocking on the door.


"Forgive my intrusion, my lady. I thought some wine would do you good." I turn around to find Maria standing before the door with a bottle of wine and my glass. 

"Yes. Thank you, Maria." I look back at the papers. She walks to the table and pours a glass for me. She stands on her toes to reach the table and places the glass next to me.

"You may go now." I order, my attention is still completely on signing the papers.

"My lady, I wanted to tell you something about Madam Dimitrescu."

I shift my attention from the papers to her face. The girl had her front three buttons completely open to show me her brassiere. Its little black fabric peeked through. A part of her bosom was also exposed, making me raise an eyerbrow.

"My lady?" Maria draws my attention away from her breasts and to her face.

"What about Madam Dimitrescu?"

"I um...saw her kissing Lord Heisenberg yesterday afternoon. I wanted to tell you but the kidnapping had already happened by then." she looks up at you.


"Yes, ma'am." she places a hand on my thigh "And...I've seen her messing around with three maidens, without their permission." she nods her head as her hand moves up and down my thigh. 

"Did you, now? And what are the names of the three maidens?"

"Anette, Tina and Jolene. I can call them here, if you want. For a confession. They'll tell you, themselves." she raised her eyebrows and smiled at me "Y/N is not as innocent as you think, my lady. She's anything but loyal." she leans in closer and unbuttons two more. She takes one of my hands and traces her breast with it.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now