Camaraderie- Part Two

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Alcina undresses you and gets into the tub. The water flowed with great fervour. The tub starts to quickly fill up and Alcina closes the tap.

"Sit down, baby." Alcina commands as she grabs a sponge and a small bottle. You do as you're told and sit down on the edge on the pool, sinking your legs in the water. Alcina walks to you and soaks the sponge. She then pours a handful of the liquid from the bottle onto the sponge and starts to scrub you clean, starting from your thighs and slowly moving up to your shoulders. You tap your fingers on your thighs and look around the bathroom. Alcina was careful not to touch your bandage. She slowly picks you up by your arms and dips your lower body into the water to wash off the soap. She finishes up and wraps a towel around you. She wraps herself in the bathrobe and carries you out of the room.

"Hungry?" she asks as she sits you down on the bed.

"Not really."

"You must eat."

She picks out a new nightgown for you from the closet and dresses you quickly. She brings the tray with the bowls and sits down by you to feed you. 

"Hold this, baby." she places the tray on your thighs and pours herself a glass of wine. You start to eat the lentil soup but two knocks fall on the door.

"Yes?" Alcina calls. Daniela peeks in and enters the room.

"Sorry to intrude but business awaits, mother." she says, crossing her arms behind her back.

"Ah, yes." Alcina chugs her wine and points at you "You better finish everything in that bowl." 

You nod your head and shove another spoonful of the soup in your mouth. She places a kiss on your head and strides into the bathroom to get dressed. She comes out in no time and joins Daniela.

"Mother, the letters..." her voice trails off as she and her mother leave the room, closing the door behind them. You sigh and finish the soup. You take it over to the table and pace around the room, in boredom. You look out of the window and smile. Small rays of sunlight escaped the gargantuan wispy clouds. You look down and draw circles on the floor with your feet.

Boredom starts to get the better of you. You open the large wardrobe to try on a few clothes. You hum a tune as you flip through the dresses to try something on. When nothing catches your eyes, you pout and cross your hands behind you. You look at the drawer to the right side of the wardrobe and open it. Inside it sits a lone book.

Property of A. Dimitrescu.

'Alcina's diary.'

You bite your lip in anticipation.

'Just a peek. She won't know, right?'

You pick it up but feel something hard inside. You open the book and it automatically takes you to the page where the hard item was placed. You frown when you notice the ring given to you by the Duke, sitting on the page. You take the ring and read the writing on the page.

Dear Diary,

She has discovered the ring.

How am I going to tell her?


'Tell me what?'

You look at the ring and place it in your pocket. You walk to the door and open it to see a maiden standing outside.

"Madam Dimitrescu!" she curtsy's.

"Hello." you smile and start to leave the room-

"Madam, I'm dreadfully sorry but...I have been told by the mistress to not allow you to wander." she looked slightly frightened.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now