God's Favourite- Part Three

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You let Chris and Jill lead the way for you as you stumble behind them. The realisation of Donna's true intentions with manipulating Bela starts to sink in. You clench your jaw to withdraw any tears that were starting to form. Chris would occasionally turn his head around to see if you were actually following. It was kinda sweet in the beginning, but was starting to bother you after the first twenty times. He looks at you again and you roll your eyes. You weren't in the mood to start an argument-


The three of you whip your heads around to the source of the sound. 

"Leave it." Jill announces and continues to walk ahead.

"What is it?" Chris asks and follows her.

"I have absolutely no idea." you hear Jill mumble as the two of them walk further away from you. You stand and furrow your eyebrows, staring in the direction of the sound.

'I recognise that sound...'

"Hey, Y/N." you didn't hear Chris approach you "Everything okay?" 

You look at him and blink "Um...yeah, I think so." you say and walk in front of him.

"Hmm." he grunts and walks behind you making sure you were safe between himself and Jill.

"Okay. This way." Jill stops for a moment, studies a man and straightens her back. She takes a sharp right. You three walk a bit more through the dark tunnels that were morphed to Donna's basement.

"Does Donna know about this?" you ask Jill in a whispered tone.

"Hmm? Oh, she was equally shocked when I told her about it." she replies with her concentration solely on the way.

"Say, Jill?" you speak up.


"Next time you find something this significant, let's keep it to ourselves."

"Why?" Chris asks.

"I don't trust my family." you mumble. Jill turns her head around for a moment to look at you. She furrows her eyebrows but looks ahead again, realising that it's not her place to ask you personal questions. You three walk in silence until you notice a faint orange-red light coming from a distance.

"Brace yourself for what you're about to witness." Jill says and pick up her pace. The three of you speedily walk towards the light and soon find yourself in the presence of a huge entity. 

"Holy fuck." you mumble and walk ahead of Jill to admire the specimen. It was a large, black foetus shaped entity that seemed to move ever so slightly. The orange-red light seemed to be emanating from its centre, like a beating heart. The three of you spread out to admire it fully. 

"This is-"

"The Megamycete." you cut Jill's sentence short. You walk towards it and hover your hand over it, careful not to accidentally touch it.

"Careful careful!" Jill commands. You immediately withdraw your hand and continue to admire it. 

"Right. Let's take a sample." Jill announces. You watch her pull out a syringe and insert it into the entity. You take a few steps back and look at it as a whole-

"Y/N..." you hear someone whisper your name. You frown and look around. When you see nothing around you, you shrug and look at Chris again. He was busy helping Jill out as they carefully extract multiple samples of the Megamycete. 

"Y/N..." you hear the whisper again. 

"Hello?!" you shout and look around. You frown and turn to your posse to tell them about this anomaly. But when you turn around, you see no one.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now