History Lesson- Part Three

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"Clever girl." Miranda chuckles and walks back to the table "Granddaughter of the great Ozwell E. Spencer himself! How...riveting." she turns around and smiles at you as she leans on the table. You look at the photo again. 

'Oh, god. I remember.'

"Judging by your expression, I'd say the neurons are proving to be quite effective. But then again, I had no doubt that it would." she chuckles and turns around again "After all..." she turns her head sideways to give you a glance "They're your grandfather's."

"I'll take that." Jonathan approaches you and extends his hand "The photo." he smirks. You give him a glare. After a good few seconds, he rolls his eyes and grabs the photo. You don't let go of it. He looks at you for a moment. You see a flash of remorse in his eyes but he blinks and snatches the photo from your hand.

"Let's refresh your memory, shall we?" Miranda turns around and gives you a smirk.

"I've been here before." you look at the two large tubes by Donna.

"Yes, very good." Miranda grins.

"And you put something in me."

"Correction. I tried to. But your body attacked it instead of using it to your advantage." Miranda turns around and reaches into one of the table drawers "Look familiar?" she faces you and holds up a vial of a black substance that seemed to move at its will.

"Mold." you whisper.

"Another point to you, Miss. Spencer...Or should I say, Mrs. Bradley." she grins. You narrow your eyes at her.

"I never married him-"

"You eloped. That is marriage, sweetheart." Miranda stands the vial on the table and smiles at you.


"Cheers to the happy couple, Y/N and John!" a young man raises his glass of champagne and the rest of the crowd cheers for him. You giggle and raise your glass, as well. Your fiancee, John, had his arm around your waist as he raises his glass. You were in the midst of a large crowd of youngsters. You were more than satisfied with the location of your engagement party. John could've discussed this with you but you don't really mind it anymore. The party itself was taking place in a luxurious hotel and John had taken the liberty to book the entire hotel for the evening.

"Congratulations, Y/N. You must be so excited." a young girl with ginger hair and a thin frame approaches and beams at you as the rest of the crowd disperses to interact with one another.

"Thanks, Cynthia. And yes, I am." you grin.

"Well, don't get too excited. We have to visit father and grandfather for their blessings." John interrupts.

"Oh, hush now." Cynthia quiets him down, sarcastically "This is her day, too. You don't have to control her all the time."

"Well, she'll be mine soon and the sooner she adapts to my lifestyle, the easier for her." John raises an eyebrow and takes a sip of his champagne.

"That's true. Are you ready to be Mrs. Bradley, Y/N? It's not easy-"

"She'll manage." the voice came from behind Cynthia. Cynthia makes way for you see who it is.

"How are you, Jonathan?" you smile.

"Very well. Thank you, m'lady." he bows, making you, Cynthia and John laugh. Jonathan straightens his back and grins at Cynthia.

"You've not changed one bit!" Cynthia exclaims as she beams at him.

"Well, of course! There can't be four boring people, can there?" Jonathan leans closer to Cynthia and whispers loud enough for the three of you to hear. Cynthia throws her head back and laughs as she gently places her arm on Jonathan's shoulder.

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