Is That How You Say Sorry?

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You push Alcina's chest with your hands to look into her eyes. She had on a soft smile and innocent eyes. 

"Madam? Are you-"

"You're mine, baby. Your place in this castle is distinctive. And I want everyone to know that." she smiled. You caress her face with your thumbs as tears start to roll down your cheeks. You close the distance and kiss her with passion. She moves her hand up from your back and holds the back of your neck to steady you. Her wonderous smell found its way into your nose, making you smile. You pull away and smile at her. She looks at your lips and runs her thumb over your bottom one. She moves in and bites your lip, gently causing your tummy to do a cartwheel. She smiles and hands you the envelope.

"Go on. Read it." she pulls you closer to her, pressing your body against hers. You lean over her neck so as to not get the paper wet. She runs her hands all over your back as she places multiple soft kisses on your shoulders, indicating that she doesn't mean to pry.

As she's kissing your body, you dry your hands on a towel near the bathtub and rip the envelope open. You turn it around to find the name of the sender but all you could find was your name written in perfect cursive in the middle of the envelope.

"Must be from Donna." Alcina says between kisses. You smile and take out the letter.

Hello, my beautiful.

I hope Donna is treating you well. Mummy is very busy at the moment but she thinks of you all day. Is my Eva eating well? Is she being a good girl for mummy? I haven't been receiving any blood samples from Donna, as of late. I assume they've been lost en route. No matter. I'll have to make do with what I have, for the moment.

Mummy is quite tied up but I'll come to you as soon as I'm done here. The child is really testing my limits but every time I lose my temper, I think of you and calm down. My temptation for you is getting stronger, day by day. It's getting harder for me to resist. 

I have instructed Donna to feed you well. I want you to have the energy to scream my name when I put my fingers in you. Oh, the thought makes me moist!

I'll be there soon, pisicuta. Take care, now.

Your mummy,


*Lipstick stained kiss*

P.S- I hope you like the present.

You look into the envelope and take out an emerald green ring. The ring itself was carved to perfection. You frown and set both the letter and the ring on the floor.

"How is she?" Alcina continues her kissing.

"It's from Miranda." you whisper. She pulls away and looks at you with wide eyes. She looks over to the letter and picks it up with wet hands. Her expressions starts to grow more irritable with every line she reads, silently mumbling the words to herself. You put one hand on her chest and massage your temples with the other. 

"AAARGH!" she rips the letter throws it into the water.

"She sent this." you hand her the ring and continue to massage your temples. She looks at the ring and back at you.

"Wear it, then. Your mummy would like it." she growls. You take your hand away from your temples and frown at her.

"Are you serious?!" you ask with tremendous irritation. She picks you up by your hips and sits you down on the floor, leaving only your shins dipped in the water. She looks at your naval with her hands still on your hips and sighs. She looks down and rests her forehead on your thighs.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now