Family Meeting- Part Two

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You walk out of the room and walk into the dining hall. Jonathan was still sitting on his chair, twirling his fork in his hand. Meanwhile, Bela and Daniela were mumbling to a pouting Cassandra.

"Girls." you clear your throat. The three whip their heads around but Jonathan keeps looking ahead.

"Your aunt and uncles will be arriving shortly. We must hide this man until they leave." you cross your hands in front of you.

"Why?" cocky Jonathan turns around and smirks at you "I'd very much like to meet my future in-laws......mommy."

"That's it. I'm done with you." you stomp to him and grab him by his arm. You yank him out of his chair and drag him out of the dining room.

"Y/N! I demand you to be gentle!" Cassandra follows closely behind you. You turn around and glare at her, still gripping Jonathan's arm.

"You are in NO position to demand anything from me, young lady!" you shout, much to the three girls' shock. Jonathan puts his finger on his nose, as if to hide the fact that he found this ordeal very amusing. You yank him around and stomp to his room, the three girls following closely behind. As you walk to his room, you hear someone running from behind. But you were much too preoccupied with the man-thing to pay the distraction any heed.

"Y/N!" Cassandra protests as you throw Jonathan into his room.

"You will stay here. And to ensure that you do, I'll be locking this room. Bela, go find the key." you speak in a dominant tone "And you, Miss. lady. I want to have a word with you." you point at Cassandra. She glares at you but when she sees the sincere strict emotion in your eyes, she looks down.

"Here it is." Bela reappears in front of you. You take the key from her and close the door, leaving Jonathan alone. You lock the door and put the key in your pocket.

"Meet me in Bela's room in five minutes." you command the girls. Bela and Daniela nod while Cassandra continues to look down. With a nudge, the three fly away. You make sure the coast is clear and then open the door. 

Jonathan was sitting on his chair, his hands crossed, smirking at you. You raise your chin and shut the door behind you.

"Couldn't resist me, could you?" he grins.

"This is my family-"

"What family?" he gets up and walks to you "Who are you compared to the rest of them?" he makes you take a few steps back to avoid any physical contact with him.

"What do you want? Do you want me?" you ask, as your hands reach behind to touch the wooden door. Jonathan shakes his head and nears you.

"I've come to get you out, Y/N." he crosses his arms in front of him.

"Why? Who am I to you?" you gulp. Jonathan frowns at you, as if confused at your question.

"What do you mean? My name is Jonathan WESKER." he cocks his head to the side.

"Yes, I know. So, what?" 

"Y/N...are you okay? Is she making you say this?" he tries to hold your arms but you flinch, making him raise his hands in defeat.

"Don't touch me." you whisper.

"Okay, I won't touch you. But, we have to go." he raises his eyebrows and tries to calm you.

"Go where? This is my home."

Jonathan raises an eyebrow "Y/N, what is your last name?" 

"I don't...I don't know." you whisper.

"Don't play with me, Y/N. What is your last name?" his question sounded more like an order.


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