Skin Ride

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"You smell like my daughter." Miranda says coldly as she walks by you, hand in hand.

"Maybe because she's been all over me." you smirk, awaiting Miranda's wrath.

"Really? And where is she now?" she chuckles. Your smirk quickly disappears and turns into a frown. You give her a look and look ahead again. You both exit the corridor and enter a long open hallway completely enclosed by large windows which let the morning light in.

"Like it?" she asks you, noticing your interest in the surroundings.

"The castle's bigger." you mutter.

"I've never been interested in earthly possessions. I prefer knowledge over things like jewelry and money." she smiles and lifts her chin the tiniest bit showing you how proud she is of what she's achieved.

"And incest too, no doubt." you echo her tone of pride.

"Nonsense, dear. I may be a tad bit dramatic about things but I do have my wits about me."

"Is that so? And yet you fucked me knowing very well that your little Eva would be harboured in my body." you smirk. 

"Yes, my darling. Eva would've lived inside you. But I couldn't control myself. You're so...delicious..." as she walks, she leans in and licks your cheek. You pull away and frown.

"Why do you think I went in search for the bastard child, hmm?" she continues. You could feel her gaze on you.

"To quench your unquenchable thirst for torture?" you mock.

"No, darling." she tilts her head back and chuckles. She wasn't fazed by your disrespectful remarks like she used to be. It's almost as if she had a better response to every remark you made "It's because I want you, obviously. Not as my child but as my lover." she continues. Suddenly, she stops and whips you around to face her. She holds your upper arms and pulls you closer. Your nose almost touches hers.

"And I want you, Y/N. So badly." she growls but it wasn't an angry growl. It was more seductive than anything. She clenches her jaw and looks at your lips. She leans in to kiss you but stops as soon as your lips brush against hers.

"You need a bath." she whispers. She looks into your eyes and back at your lips and smiles "Shall we?" she grins.

"Do I have a choice?" you raise an eyebrow. She lets out a deep chuckle while staring at your lips.

"Naughty beasty." she whispers, seductively. She was trying her best to titillate you but failing miserably. You knew she was waiting for you to say something smug but when she realises that you aren't going to indulge her, she turns around and continues to walk ahead with you.

You both turn a few corners until you reach a black door with a carving on it that looked like a foetus with wings. She pushes the door open and gestures for you to enter. You raise an eyebrow and enter. The room was warm and cozy with a big fireplace on the left wall and a rocking chair placed before it. The room itself was quite subordinate, very much like your old room in the castle except the fireplace. There was a double bed attached to the wall near the door that looked brand new. As if no one had ever used it. To your left was a table with piles of books on it. And finally, right across from the main entrance of the room was another door that leads to who knows what. 

"Warm enough, lovely?" she coos from behind you. You turn around to look at Miranda-

"What the fuck are you doing?!" you avert your eyes and turn around.

"What? Have you heard of anyone who takes a bath with their clothes on?" she mocks and chuckles. You roll your eyes and cross your hands in front of you out of irritation. As if sensing your irk, you hear her walking to you.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now