Safety First

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A cold gust of wind blows past you as you try to stand up. Your arms and legs feel gelatinous.

'Where am I?'

The floor is cold. Your head is throbbing. You feel the sudden urge to regurgitate. You open your eyes but the world is a blur. In front of you are floating bodies. Your eyes adjust to the poorly lit room and you begin to stand up. Three big glass cylinders are perfectly aligned side by side and in each of them are three children. 


You look down at your hands and your fingers are purple. In an attempt to warm them up, you rub your hands together, generating the slightest amount of heat. You walk towards the cylinders. A monitor is attached to each of the cylinders and as you walk towards them, a little writing catches your eye.


The first one read. The monitor next to it displayed a stagnant straight line. 

'Is she dead?' 

The girl looks no more than ten years of age. Confused, you walk to the next one.


'Who are these children?' 

The monitor attached to this cylinder displayed the same line. You walk over to the next cylinder.


The monitor attached to this displayed mountainous waves. The beeping continued. You place your hands on the cylinder.

You knock on the glass. The girl displayed no visible movement. You look around but see nothing else. Just the emptiness of the room. You furrow your eyebrows and look back at the girl in the cylinder.

"Eveline? Mommy's here." you blurt out, involuntarily. Suddenly the girl's eyes shoot open. Her eyes are as blue as the ocean. She smirks and puts her hands against where yours are, on the other end of the glass, making you smile.

The world around you starts to spin, knocking you out.

You slowly start to open your eyes again but this time you feel fabric beneath you.

"It is your responsibility to keep those things at bay, Alcina! How dare you leave the gates open!"

Miranda's voice starts to ring in your ears. Your head continues to throb but you make an effort to sit up, regardless. Realisation kicks in and brings you back to reality. 

'Diana!' you remember. You don't know if it was a dream or if it actually happened.

"Mother Miranda, I am particularly careful when it comes to those filthy things. Heisenberg is responsible for their whereabouts. This part of the village has already been ravaged and-"

"There you go blaming your little brother for your blunders, again. I expect so much more from you, daughter. It's infuriating when-"

The crinkling of the bedsheets catch their ears. You look at them and they look back at you, wide eyed. Miranda seems ecstatic at you being awake. She begins to come to you but you stop her with your words.

"Alcina!" you cry, as you stare at the mistress. Tears fill your eyes and she softens hers. She runs to you, much to Miranda's shock. But you don't take your eyes off of the lady.

"I'm here, my dear. I'm here." Alcina sits on the bed by your side and lets out a sob. 

"I'll leave you both alone." Miranda lets out a grunt and leaves the room. Alcina doesn't take her eyes off of you. The second the door closes behind Miranda, Alcina gets on top of you.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now